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změnil jsem url (sem blb)

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(2 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 13:31:40
u jednoho svého webu, který jsem předělával jsem změnit url detailů z search.php?něco na index.php?něco
samozřejmě sem si neuvědomil že mi to po kliknutí z vyhledávače apache bude házet not found.
napadlo mě že bych napsal script, který by mi to redirectovat myslíte že to je dobrý nápad?
8. 1. 2009 13:31:40
Nakopni mod_rewrite a přes 301 přesměruj staré (nefunkční) URL na nové.
8. 1. 2009 13:38:20
rating uzivatele
(2 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 14:59:49
díky, problém s tímhle řešením je že to neumím a s návody na netu bojuju.
pohomh by mi řádek jak udělat z search.php?detail=1X4408
moc díky
Napsal Plaváček;184425
Nakopni mod_rewrite a přes 301 přesměruj staré (nefunkční) URL na nové.
8. 1. 2009 14:59:49
rating uzivatele
(41 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 15:58:02
Napsal martinvancura;184483
pohomh by mi řádek jak udělat z search.php?detail=1X4408
Na to netřeba ani mod_rewrite, stačí na začátek search.php přidat něco na způsob
8. 1. 2009 15:58:02
rating uzivatele
(8 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 17:05:40
Na zacatek search.php, nebo do config.php etc..
Tak asi, no.. kdyz se clovek nudi :D
btw. Vim, ze hlavicka location funguje i s relativni adresou, ale ta absolutni tam proste patri :)
8. 1. 2009 17:05:40
rating uzivatele
(2 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 18:18:04
to jsem se právě chtěl zeptat jestli je to tak ok aby mě za to google nepokáral
Napsal 3x07;184570
Na zacatek search.php, nebo do config.php etc..
Tak asi, no.. kdyz se clovek nudi :D
btw. Vim, ze hlavicka location funguje i s relativni adresou, ale ta absolutni tam proste patri :)
8. 1. 2009 18:18:04
rating uzivatele
(8 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 18:37:34
No co se tyce adresy v hlavicce, tak to je uplne fuk. google/prohlizec si vzdycky najde tu spravnou adresu, at uz je v location absolutni, nebo relativni adresa.
"rika se" ze se v pripade trvaleho presmerovani (301) ranky presunou na novou adresu, ale jestli ti nekdo bude tvrdit ze 100% vi jestli je to pravda, nebo jak to u googlu funguje, tak budto lze, nebo je zamestnancem googlu :)
Vseobecne se ta 301cka bezne pouziva a problemy s tim nejsou :)
edit: btw, mod_rewrite si myslim, ze je v tomhle pripade zbytecny.. rewriterule v prvni casti neumi pracovat s parasmetry z GET a rewritecond... neumim-nepotrebuju :)
8. 1. 2009 18:37:34
rating uzivatele
(20 hodnocení)
8. 1. 2009 20:14:21
Napsal martinvancura;184645
to jsem se právě chtěl zeptat jestli je to tak ok aby mě za to google nepokáral
neboj, neni na tom nic spatneho :)
8. 1. 2009 20:14:21
rating uzivatele
11. 2. 2009 16:42:25
I’ve read innumerable seas of professional biographies — not books, but blurbs you often see on the “About” section of a company’s website. Most of them are boring, presenting similar information in a Mad Libs-style cookie-cutter format. How many times have you seen a phrase like “brings over wow gold 15 years of experience to the team” in a bio, followed by a list of prestigious educational degrees? These do matter, but you know what’s missing?Hobbies and passions off the job.Antiquated thinking would have us not mix work and play, but in an era where Casual Fridays have turned into Casual Everydays, the truth is someone’s personal interests have a lot to do with their success, particularly if they’re in an idea-centric field. Which means just about every job that has wow gold problems which require creative thinking to move forward.If it was revealed that a brainy physicist likes to figure skate, what would that tell you? At first glance, it seems like academia-meets-the-ice isn’t a good idea. But think about the similarities between the two fields: beauty in symmetry, bodies in motion, and perhaps not-so-obvious, a profound public presence.maple story powerlevelingI’m referring to Michio Kaku, who is undoubtedly one of the most renowned physicists in the world. He’s a heavyweight hitter of grace, continuing Carl Sagan’s lineage of science popularizers. maple story powerleveling Clearly, he’s very successful at what he does, and a large part of his success comes from his diverse skillset, including a knack for Siamese-twinning real-world science with speculative fiction. This has made him into a media star, with each spotlight appearance feeding another.It’s no coincidence some of the most profound and popular scientists are also musicians: Albert Einstein played the violin, and Brian Cox rocks out on synths. music performance itself requires a sense of timing, pitch, and if you’re doing it in front of others, charisma and the uncanny ability to engage the audience.maple story powerlevelingMany charismatic personalities are either avid music listeners or players themselves — but you won’t find their sonic proficiencies on their bio. These might as well be called unsung skills.
11. 2. 2009 16:42:25
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