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Vynucene nastaveni kompatibilniho rezimu IE8 a IE9 WordPress

rad bych se nekoho s podobnou zkusenosti rad zeptal, jak lze ve Wordpressu zapnout vynucene zobrazeni kompatibilniho rezimu v IE8 a IE9?
V tech tvou verzich IE se mi totiz v sablone nezobrazuje hlani navigacni menu, pokud mod kompatibility v browseru zapnu, je vse oukej, potreboval bych ale aby se toto zobrazeni zapnulo automatocky pri nacitani stranky.
Je an to nejaky funkcni modul, ci co doplnit za hlavicky do template?
Diky za kazdou radu.
19. 4. 2012 19:04:32
rating uzivatele
19. 4. 2012 19:08:18
19. 4. 2012 19:08:18
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
19. 4. 2012 19:10:11
staci hledat
19. 4. 2012 19:10:11
Diky, zkusil jsem podle te dokumentace vlozit hned za zacate head
Nicmene zmena se neprojevila, musim vyspecifikovat vsechny verze? Tzn 8 i 9? Nebo tu meta hlavicku vkladam prilis pozde v dokumentu?
V dokumentaci je uvedeno ze musi byt jako prvni v HEAD tagu
19. 4. 2012 19:20:40
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(3 hodnocení)
19. 4. 2012 19:51:18
problemem muze byt generovani jinych hlavicek enginem wp nez ktere jsou zahrabane v nejake sablone. Ty dalsi co prijdou s dokumentem uz to neprepnou
pisou mezi radky, ze to musi byt prvni header, co dostane prohlizec, ne prvni v html souboru
19. 4. 2012 19:51:18
Kdyz si zobrazim source, dotanu
Takze by to melo byt spravne..nebo ne?
19. 4. 2012 19:56:07
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
19. 4. 2012 20:23:55
musite si to pozorne precist
Since this page does not contain a directive, the example would be displayed in IE5 (Quirks) mode.
Vas kod ma doctype,takze se ten header uz neuplatni. Upravte si to pres komentare/podminky pro IE aby to neobsahovalo doctype
stejne vubec nechapu na co tam mate plno toho odpadu...
na 99% pripadu staci (ten Vas je mezi 1% :D )
19. 4. 2012 20:23:55
Zkusil jsem nekolik verzi,
i s doctype..
Vysledek porad stejny, pokazde vymazavam cache.
Kdyby mi s tim nekdo na testovacim serveru pomohl a podarilo se mu to, odmena 200 Kc. Ja bohuzel nemam cas na to nyni zkoumat do podrobna.
19. 4. 2012 21:02:49
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
19. 4. 2012 21:15:48
Internet Explorer 6 also has the feature that if you put anything at all above the DOCTYPE declaration, they will go into quirks mode. So, both of these examples will put IE 6 into quirks mode, even though the DOCTYPE declarations say to be in strict standards mode:
and the XHTML 1.1 DOCTYPE:
Plus, if you get past IE6, then you have the “feature” that Microsoft added in IE8 and IE9: META element switching and website blacklisting. In fact, these two browser versions now have up to seven(!) different modes:
IE 5.5 quirks mode (IE 8 and 9)
IE 7 standards mode (IE 8 and 9)
IE 8 almost standards mode (IE 8 and 9)
IE 8 standards mode (IE 8 and 9)
IE 9 almost standards mode (IE 9)
IE 9 standards mode (IE 9)
XML mode (IE 9)
IE 8 also introduced “Compatibility Mode” where the user could choose to change the rendering model back to IE 7 mode. So that even if you set the mode you want to set using both the DOCTYPE and META elements, your page could still be pushed back into a less standards-compliant mode.
What is Quirks Mode?
19. 4. 2012 21:15:48
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