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The Horror of a ‚Secure Golden Key‘

The Horror of a 'Secure Golden Key' (
Šifrování v iOS8 údajně zabraňuje Applu přistupovat k uživatelským datům uloženým na jeho serverech. To se nelíbí bezpečnostním složkám, podle kterých takový systém chrání zločince.
This week, the Washington Post's editorial board, in a widely circulated call for “compromise” on encryption, proposed that while our data should be off-limits to hackers and other bad actors, “perhaps Apple and Google could invent a kind of secure golden key” so that the good guys could get to it if necessary.
A “golden key” is just another, more pleasant, word for a backdoor—something that allows people access to your data without going through you directly. This backdoor would, by design, allow Apple and Google to view your password-protected files if they received a subpoena or some other government directive.
The Post assumes that a “secure key” means hackers, foreign governments, and curious employees could never break into this system. They also assume it would be immune to bugs. They envision a magic tool that only the righteous may wield.
Diskuse na Hacker News: The Horror of a 'Secure Golden Key'
15. 10. 2014 12:25:51
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