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Technický dluh podle Martina Fowlera

Narazil jsem na zajímavou úvahu od Martina Fowlera o technickém dluhu.
Mluví o dvou osách
1) Nezodpovědný / prozíravý
2) Bezděčný / záměrný
A mess is a reckless debt which results in crippling interest payments or a long period of paying down the principal. We have a few projects where we've taken over a code base with a high debt and found the metaphor very useful in discussing with client management how to deal with it.
The prudent debt to reach a release may not be worth paying down if the interest payments are sufficiently small - such as if it were in a rarely touched part of the code-base.
5. 12. 2010 21:04:28
Kamil Tomšík
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
20. 12. 2010 20:30:32
to mi pripomina: "nejvyssi cas na refaktoring je kdyz na nej neni cas" ;)
20. 12. 2010 20:30:32
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