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Stížnost brandu na webový e-shop

Bad boi
rating uzivatele
(8 hodnocení)
27. 4. 2012 17:10:05
Dobrý den,
chtěl bych se zeptat, nedávno přišel mému webhostingovému poskytovateli tento email, vlastním na adrese e-shop, chtěl bych se zeptat jaké dopady z tohoto můžou ve vztahu k mé osobě plynout, případně jak tuto věc (samozřejmě krom kontaktu s osobou, která stížnost podala - pokud zvolit tuto cestu, co přesně odepsat) vyřešit a jaké jsou alternativy - napadlo mě změnit e-shop na stránku výhradně s informačním obsahem, objednávky přijimat např. pouze přes email, změnit webhosting a podobně.
Každá rada bude vítána vzhledem k tomu, že toto je poprvé, co se mi něco podobného stalo.
You are the Internet Service Provider to It has come to our attention that this site is committing willful and blatant trademark infringement and dilution through its advertising and/or selling of counterfeit items bearing the “XXX” name at the site This conduct is unethical and deceptive, and constitutes unfair competition in the most basic sense. This site is also violating the terms of your Acceptable Use Policy as an Internet Service Provider.
We have notified the registrant of our complaint but have been unable to resolve the matter. We therefore request that you immediately suspend the site from publication for the offenses described herein.
I, the undersigned, state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that:
1. I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of certain intellectual property rights ("IP Owner");
2. I have a good faith belief that the website offer items and contains materials that are not authorized by the IP Owner, or the law, and therefore infringes the IP Owner's rights; and
3. The information in this notice is true and accurate.
4. The reasons that the website must be suspended are as follows:
a. Offers a counterfeit or otherwise unauthorized item that violates the IP Owner's trademarks and copyright; AND
b. Misuses the IP Owner's brand name, trademarks and copyright.
c. Uses a copyrighted image without authorization from the IP Owner.
Your immediate attention to this matter will be appreciated. I can be reached at the contact information provided below should you require additional information or wish to discuss this matter. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
27. 4. 2012 17:10:05
Bad boi
rating uzivatele
(8 hodnocení)
30. 4. 2012 14:16:21
Dobrý den,
chtěl bych se zeptat, nedávno přišel mému webhostingovému poskytovateli tento email, vlastním na adrese e-shop, chtěl bych se zeptat jaké dopady z tohoto můžou ve vztahu k mé osobě plynout, případně jak tuto věc (samozřejmě krom kontaktu s osobou, která stížnost podala - pokud zvolit tuto cestu, co přesně odepsat) vyřešit a jaké jsou alternativy - napadlo mě změnit e-shop na stránku výhradně s informačním obsahem, objednávky přijimat např. pouze přes email, změnit webhosting na offshore webhosting a podobně.
Každá rada bude vítána vzhledem k tomu, že toto je poprvé, co se mi něco podobného stalo.
You are the Internet Service Provider to It has come to our attention that this site is committing willful and blatant trademark infringement and dilution through its advertising and/or selling of counterfeit items bearing the “XXX” name at the site This conduct is unethical and deceptive, and constitutes unfair competition in the most basic sense. This site is also violating the terms of your Acceptable Use Policy as an Internet Service Provider.
We have notified the registrant of our complaint but have been unable to resolve the matter. We therefore request that you immediately suspend the site from publication for the offenses described herein.
I, the undersigned, state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that:
1. I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of certain intellectual property rights ("IP Owner");
2. I have a good faith belief that the website offer items and contains materials that are not authorized by the IP Owner, or the law, and therefore infringes the IP Owner's rights; and
3. The information in this notice is true and accurate.
4. The reasons that the website must be suspended are as follows:
a. Offers a counterfeit or otherwise unauthorized item that violates the IP Owner's trademarks and copyright; AND
b. Misuses the IP Owner's brand name, trademarks and copyright.
c. Uses a copyrighted image without authorization from the IP Owner.
Your immediate attention to this matter will be appreciated. I can be reached at the contact information provided below should you require additional information or wish to discuss this matter. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
30. 4. 2012 14:16:21
rating uzivatele
(1 hodnocení)
30. 4. 2012 16:13:41
Je pravda, že prodáváte padělky a/nebo porušujete jejich práva, jak se píše v tom emailu? V takovém případě by bylo vhodné, já nevím, třeba přestat?
30. 4. 2012 16:13:41
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.