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Prosim poradte prisiel mi takyto email

rating uzivatele
6. 4. 2012 08:42:07
Ahoj viem ze to nepatri do tejto temy ale neviem kde som to mal vlozit potrebujem poradit mam web a vcera mi prisiel takyto email : Nakolko neviem dobre po anglicky prelozil som si to len cez googla je to nieco s ochranou znamkou mam to nejako riesit alebo im odpisat??? Dakujem za kazdu radu
Dear Manager:
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Anhui, China. On March,30th,2012, We received Huafen Company's application that they are registering the name "webdoplnky" as their Internet Trademark and "","" ,""domain names etc.,It is China and ASIA domain names.But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so I am sending you this Email to check.According to the principle in China,your company is the owner of the trademark,In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you!
Kind regards
Angela Zhang
6. 4. 2012 08:42:07
Petr Pojer
rating uzivatele
(9 hodnocení)
6. 4. 2012 08:46:52
Tenhle mail mi přišel taky, asi se paní Zhang opravdu činí:) Akorát tam místo "webdoplnky" byl název domény jednoho mého klienta - tzn. že já s webem nemám vcelku nic společného, a napsali mi jenom proto, že byl na webu v patičce můj E-mail a ne klientuv. Tak sem to s klidným srdcem smazal.
6. 4. 2012 08:46:52
rating uzivatele
(21 hodnocení)
6. 4. 2012 08:48:10
neresit, spam
6. 4. 2012 08:48:10
rating uzivatele
6. 4. 2012 08:50:10
Ok super dakujem pekny den
6. 4. 2012 08:50:10
vždy stačí použít google...
6. 4. 2012 08:50:22
Napis jej slusne a rydzou Cestinou.
Vazena pani Zhang.
Nerozumiem vam ani slovo, ale ak mate na prejednanie vec, ktora neznesie odklad navrhujem stretnutie zajtra o 14:00 u nas v hospode.
Obed zabezpecim, pitie platim ja.
S pozdravom
6. 4. 2012 09:29:22
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