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rating uzivatele
(1 hodnocení)
24. 8. 2014 13:09:10
Dobrý den,
nabídl jsem k prodeji doménu .com
Přišel mi tento email od zájemce.
I'm a representative of an investor from Norwich (UK). He wants to purchase
My client has $479,000 budget for several domains. Please specify your asking price in the subject of your message.
Our company is in a web hosting business. We also provide brokerage services for domain buyers.
If you have other domains please email me the list with prices. I may offer your domains for sale to my clients.
How can we transfer money to you (escrow, wire, Paypal or Western Union)?
Požaduji za domenu 10 000 eur. na čež přišla tato odpověď.
10000 eur - Ok.
Before we go further we need only one thing from you:
To be sure in legitimacy of this sale and to avoid possible trademark problems my client buys certified domains only.
The certificate includes three things:
1. Independent valuation of the market price. It will show your domain name is not overpriced. On the other hand if the valuation comes higher we will increase the price accordingly.
2. Trademark infringement verification. It proves your domain has no trademark problems.
3. Verification of the owner. It proves you are a legitimate owner and your domain has no any obligations and restrictions. I'm sure that you are a legitimate owner so it will be only a formality.
If your domain has been certified please email me the certificate and we will proceed with the sale. If you don't have the certificate it's not a problem. I may send you a link where you can obtain it. Please don't worry. It won't take much time and money. It takes 1-2 minutes to order it. The results will be sent to you within 24 hours. Then you send me the certificate via email and we'll proceed with the sale.
As a broker I'm very interested in a good valuation part of this certificate because my client pays me a commission (10-15% of the sale price) on every domain purchase. So I'm not interested in a low price too.
You can read about the certificate agency at: ("Domain Broker" is my nickname).
The process is very easy:
1. Go to the certificate agency site and order a certificate. Just submit your domains and let them know you have a buyer with $X,XXX offer and need a valuation near this value. After several hours you will get the results. If the price in your certificate comes higher we will increase our offer accordingly.
2. Then send these results via email and we'll proceed with the deal.
If you are new to the certification process I can help you with step by step instructions.
Zajímalo by mě jestli se nejedná o nějáký typ podvodu nebo jestli stím nemáte někdo zkušenost.
24. 8. 2014 13:09:10
Doménové scamy aneb jak nepříjít o peníze
24. 8. 2014 13:17:54
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
24. 8. 2014 13:24:25
Řekl bych, že infovia to vyřešil.
24. 8. 2014 13:24:25
rating uzivatele
(17 hodnocení)
24. 8. 2014 13:53:19
jj podvod, odepiš mu, že pokud chce certifikaci, tak ji musí uhradit on, nebo ti dát na ní zálohu, a vše můžete smluvně ošetřit
24. 8. 2014 13:53:19
rating uzivatele
(22 hodnocení)
24. 8. 2014 14:48:39
hele, pokud si přečteš bod 1), tak hned musíš pochopit, že je to podvod - overpriced :D, to je jak chtít koupit auto a chtít, aby prodejce prokázal, že to má tu cenu ... jsme v byzu/kapitalismu, ne v komunismu
24. 8. 2014 14:48:39
Appraisal scam stále běží?
Podívejte se na tuto diskusi z roku 2007
Appraisal Certificate
24. 8. 2014 21:34:27
Napsal infovia;1118024
Doménové scamy aneb jak nepříjít o peníze
Přesně to jsem akorát dneska četl a chtěl jako reakci poslat :)
24. 8. 2014 21:37:20
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.