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Proc nejede bodis?

rating uzivatele
15. 8. 2012 14:50:21
Ty co parkuju na bodise si urcite vsimly ze nejde, neviem presne odkedy vsimol som si to rano, neviete co sa deje ?
15. 8. 2012 14:50:21
rating uzivatele
(7 hodnocení)
15. 8. 2012 15:03:24
edit: takze veci sa maju takto:
Sorry to say that it is indeed a denial of service attack against our network. It takes us a long time to mitigate due to the fact that this attack is different than any past denial of service attacks.
I am still uncertain if it will come back or not and if the changes I made will help mitigate it quicker when in fact it does return. I am waiting to see what happens within the next 24 hours before sending out an announcement about this attack.
Revenue for any affected dates will be credited. I have already set the system to begin crediting for the 14th and tomorrow will begin crediting the 15th.
I wish these things wouldn't happen or we had a platform that would help prevent it. Going forward I'll be looking into ways to prevent this sort of attack, but first I am hoping to mitigate it with the tools that I currently have.
15. 8. 2012 15:03:24
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