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Proč, kdy a jak často Google indexuje (spíš neindexuje) tweety

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(8 hodnocení)
13. 7. 2014 22:12:21
Opakovaně dochází k nedorozuměním a debatám, zda Google indexuje či může indexovat tweety, resp. zda má přístup k "Twitter Firehose". Například zde:
SEO pro akce a skoleni
Reálné aktuální informace přinesla nyní studie:
How Does Google Index Tweets?
Více informací o ní naleznete zde:
Study: Why, When & How Often Google Indexes Individual Tweets
Indexuje Google tweety?
Většinou ne.
In aggregate, there were 10,453 tweets that we saw within the last seven days, and 326 of them were indexed, for an indexation level of 3.12 percent. This is actually pretty consistent with what we saw in the first part of our study where we used simple site: queries to check indexation levels over time.
Once again, you see that the indexation level is relatively low. There were 19,389 total tweets checked, with 701 of them being indexed, for an indexation level of 3.62 percent. Total indexation in our data peaked at about week four. Given the depth of our data, I’d conclude that indexation of tweets increases over time and peaks between two and four weeks, and then it starts to decline after that. It may not be as low as the 0.1 percent levels we saw with the site: query tests we did, but at best it’s a small percentage of total tweets.
Závěr studie si dovolím ocitovat celý:
In summary, these charts show us that overall indexing of content of tweets by Google is quite low, but they do in fact index a reasonably high percentage of tweets from more influential accounts (up to 50 percent). However, the indexation is not as rapid as we would have expected. Given the conventional belief that Google might use shared links in Twitter as a potential indicator of a hot news event, we would have expected that indexation rate would be more rapid.
However, the data does not support this. Even for accounts with more than 5 million followers, only six percent of tweets are indexed within the first 24 hours, and this only climbs to 15 percent by the end of 48 hours. This is nothing to write home about!
In summary, to me the evidence suggests that Google does not currently use activity in Twitter as a ranking signal. If I am wrong about that, and they do extract some ranking signals from Twitter, then the evidence suggests that they are doing that primarily from accounts with 1 million or more followers – i.e., the absolute cream of the crop.
13. 7. 2014 22:12:21
Ale facebook posty na stránkách nebo fb události indexuje naopak úplně bez problémů :)
13. 7. 2014 22:50:08
Andrej Pinčík
rating uzivatele
14. 7. 2014 10:26:48
Mám teďka vytvorených niekoľko desiatok social bookmarks pre jeden web tak som zvedavý :)
14. 7. 2014 10:26:48
rating uzivatele
14. 7. 2014 12:16:10
jeste aby google nemel firehose (pro public) a nebo neco osekaneho na harvest-top-social-signals, spis jej nezahrnuje/castecne zahrnuje do vyhledavani dle faktoru, ktere muze kazdy jen odhadovat; social engagement je sice zadany googlem, ale pokud mozno g+, ostatni si nemyslim, ze by google natolik uprednostnoval, aby tim zasiral results, MAX indexuje tweety z influental accs nebo z authority sites
14. 7. 2014 12:16:10
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