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Používá někdo pro servírování a optimalizaci JavaScriptu / CoffeeScriptu?

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(8 hodnocení)
12. 8. 2011 12:14:58
Používá někdo pro servírování a optimalizaci JavaScriptu / CoffeeScriptu?
Catch Javascript exceptions as they occur
We notify you about potential bugs as soon as they arise, saving you development costs and frustrated users. It's easy to debug your code when we show you the exact function in which an exception occurred, even if you pass us minified source scripts. Proxino works in all browsers.
Serve your scripts faster
We minify and cache your Javascript and CoffeeScript files, serving them more quickly to users.
Worry Free Fallbacks
Although our proxy is fast and dependable, you don't have to depend on its uptime. Your scripts will load from local urls if the proxy is not available.
Avoid language headaches
Like to develop in CoffeeScript? Our servers will automatically perform all the proper conversions and optimizations. No more compiling from intermediate languages.
What Proxino does
Proxino catches Javascript exceptions in scripts we dynamically proxy. We notify you about these exceptions over email and through our dashboard. Proxino also optimizes the serving of your Javascript and CoffeeScript files. We will automatically perform the proper language conversions and return efficient, minimized Javascript which supports caching.
12. 8. 2011 12:14:58
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