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rating uzivatele
(5 hodnocení)
3. 2. 2010 14:49:21
prosím o posouzení tohoto anglického textu - obsahovou úroveň a gramatiku. Objednal jsem si takovéto texty a chtěl bych posoudit jejich kvalitu. Chtěl bych je publikovat na zahraničním cestovatelském webu...
Rent a car for your trips in Creta
Are you going to Creta for your holildays this year? Does it weary you to stay all the time on the same place during the vacation? Then you should consider a posibility of a car ranting on this island. Creta is very beautiful place with many possibilities to do some interesting trips with an automobile. All you need is to find a good lender of cars to do it so. We are here for you to provide some basic informations to rent a car on this island. First of all you have to realize that you will need some necessary documents. The bureucratic aspect of ranting a car on Creta is not so complicated at all. Actually, all you need is a valid driving licence and also passport. If you are citizen of European Union you don´t even need an international driving licence. A minimal age to get a car in Creta´s car rental services is 21 or sometimes 23 years. You can do the payment for ranting with your embossed credit card or cash. The avarage cost of ranting is about 150 euros per one week. If you don´t want to spend many money beware of rentals in a hotels and also on airports because these are really expensive. The possitive thing on rental services in Creta is that you don´t have to be affraid of trying to haggle with the lender. If you are talented haggler you can get the price 15 euros under the original amount. Lenders in Creta speak usually English quite well so there shouldn´t be any problem with the communication. Please read the agrement attentively before you will sign it and do not forget to ask the lender what does the policy of car include. You should especialy ask the lender if the policy applies also on undercart and tires. In the majority policy doesn´t applies on these two things because there is the largest posibility to get them damaged. Remember that roads in Creta aren´t in very good condition. If you are planning to let also other people drive your car it should be enlisted in the agreement. In Creta there are many rental services so you don´t have to be aware to get a right car for your trips. The advantage of traveling with your own car on Creta is that you will get also to the more distant and not so frequented places. Don´t forget that on Creta using of safety belts is required.
Díky za Vaše názory.
3. 2. 2010 14:49:21
rating uzivatele
(6 hodnocení)
3. 2. 2010 15:19:21
No, moc jsem to zatím nepřečetl, ale hned na začátku je holildays.
3. 2. 2010 15:19:21
3. 2. 2010 15:38:16
rating uzivatele
3. 2. 2010 16:05:10
no, je to strasne...
sice nie som native speaker ale ta anglictina je nielen ze plna gramatickych chyb ale aj stylystickych - a je aj dost tazkopadna - zle sa cita. spell checker sice podskrtne niektore slova ktore su uplne zle ale napriklad ranting => renting neopravi lebo obe su spravne len znamenaju nieco uplne ine :D
a co do kelu myslel tym "embossed" credit card ? :) ved je samozrejme ze kazda ma svoje udaje vytlacene v reliefnom prevedeni
dufam ze si sa toto nezaplatil
3. 2. 2010 16:05:10
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.