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rating uzivatele
10. 6. 2011 19:52:12
nevíte někdo nějaký nástroj pro rozkodování tohoto codu.
Jedná se o wordpress šablonu o soubor functions.php
Děkuji za pomoc
10. 6. 2011 19:52:12
rating uzivatele
(21 hodnocení)
10. 6. 2011 19:52:47
ze by to byl podpis autora v paticce?
10. 6. 2011 19:52:47
rating uzivatele
10. 6. 2011 19:55:45
Není to patička je to soubor functions.php potřeboval bych ho drobet upravit ale nevím jak ho rozkodovat.
Jedná se o tuto šablonu
10. 6. 2011 19:55:45
rating uzivatele
(21 hodnocení)
10. 6. 2011 20:13:29
a proc nenapisete primo
rekl bych, ze z nejakeho duvodu tu autor zakodoval a asi k tomu mel duvod
stejne mi prijde, ze je to paticka (odkaz) dle rychleho nahledu
ok, paticka to neni, tak je take zakodovana ;)
10. 6. 2011 20:13:29
rating uzivatele
(23 hodnocení)
10. 6. 2011 20:16:56
$th5m5n1m5 = "M2v45sL1b Th5m5";
$sh2rtn1m5 = "M2v45sL1b";
$2pt42ns = 1rr1y (
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "GENERAL SETTING",
"typ5" => "t4tl5"),
1rr1y( "typ5" => "2p5n"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "D4s1bl5 sl4d5sh2w",
"d5sc" => "Ch5ck th4s b2x 4f y23 w1nt t2 d4s1bl5 sl4d5sh2w b5l2w h51d5r.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5r_d4s1bl5",
"typ5" => "ch5ckb2x",
"std" => "f1ls5"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "D4s1bl5 M2v45s R5v45w",
"d5sc" => "Ch5ck th4s b2x 4f y23 w1nt t2 d4s1bl5 m2v45s r5v45w 2n s4d5b1r.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_n5ws_d4s1bl5",
"typ5" => "ch5ckb2x",
"std" => "f1ls5"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "En1bl5 G22gl5 An1lyt4cs",
"d5sc" => "Ch5ck th4s b2x 4f y23 w1nt t2 5n1bl5 g22gl5 1n1lyt4cs 1t f22t5r c2l3mn.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_1n1lyt4cs_5n1bl5",
"typ5" => "ch5ckb2x",
"std" => "f1ls5"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "G22gl5 An1lyt4cs ID",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r y23r g22gl5 1n1lyt4cs ID h5r5, st1rt w4th UA-. Pl51s5 l51v5 4t bl1nk 4f y23 3nch5ck 1n1lyt4cs 4n g5n5r1l s5tt4ngs",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_1n1lyt4cs",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "SLIDESHOW SETTING",
"typ5" => "t4tl5"),
1rr1y( "typ5" => "2p5n"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #6 Im1g5",
"d5sc" => "M3st b5 9oapx w4dth 1nd a00px h54ght. If y23 1r5 n2t cl51r 1nd n55d 23r h5lp, pl51s5 k4ndly c2nt1ct 3s 1t http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/th5m5s/c2nt1ct-3s",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5r64m1g5",
"std" => "http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/m2v45-w2rdpr5ss-th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/wp-c2nt5nt/th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/1ds/6.jpg",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #6 D5scr4pt42n",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r M2v45 #6 d5t14l h5r5.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5r6d5scr4pt42n",
"std" => "TRON LEGACY
Syn2ps4s: F2ll2w4ng th5 698a 2r4g4n1l, th4s r53pd1t5 4s 1 o-D cyb5r 1dv5nt3r5 s5t 4n 1 d4g4t1l w2rld wh5r5 S1m Flynn (G1rr5tt H5dl3nd), th5 t5ch-s1vvy a7-y51r-2ld s2n 2f K5v4n Flynn (J5ff Br4dg5s), l22ks 4nt2 h4s f1th5r's d4s1pp51r1nc5 1nd f4nds h4ms5lf p3ll5d 4nt2 th5 s1m5 w2rld 2f f45rc5 pr2gr1mm5s 1nd gl1d41t2r41l g1m5s wh5r5 h4s f1th5r h1s b55n l4v4ng f2r ai y51rs. Al2ng w4th K5v4n's l2y1l c2nf4d1nt5 (Ol4v41 W4ld5), b2th f1th5r 1nd s2n 5mb1rk 2n 1 l4f5-2r-d51th j23rn5y 1cr2ss 1 v4s31lly-st3nn4ng cyb5r 3n4v5rs5 th1t h1s b5c2m5 f1r m2r5 1dv1nc5d 1nd 5xc55d4ngly d1ng5r23s.
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #6 URL",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5r63rl",
"std" => "#",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #6 Im1g5 ALT T5xt",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r 1lt t5xt f2r M2v45 #6 h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5r61lt",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #6 T4tl5 T1g",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r t4tl5 t1g f2r M2v45 #6 h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5r6t4tl5",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #a Im1g5",
"d5sc" => "M3st b5 9oapx w4dth 1nd a00px h54ght. If y23 1r5 n2t cl51r 1nd n55d 23r h5lp, pl51s5 k4ndly c2nt1ct 3s 1t http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/th5m5s/c2nt1ct-3s",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ra4m1g5",
"std" => "http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/m2v45-w2rdpr5ss-th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/wp-c2nt5nt/th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/1ds/a.jpg",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #a D5scr4pt42n",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r M2v45 #a d5t14l h5r5.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rad5scr4pt42n",
"std" => "TAKERS
Syn2ps4s: TAKERS t1k5s y23 4nt2 th5 w2rld 2f 1 n2t2r423s gr23p 2f cr4m4n1ls (Idr4s Elb1, P13l W1lk5r, T.I., Chr4s Br2wn, H1yd5n Chr4st5ns5n 1nd M4ch15l E1ly) wh2 c2nt4n35 t2 b1ffl5 p2l4c5 by p3ll4ng 2ff p5rf5ctly 5x5c3t5d b1nk r2bb5r45s. Th5y 1r5 4n 1nd 23t l4k5 cl2ckw2rk, l51v4ng n2 5v4d5nc5 b5h4nd 1nd l1y4ng l2w b5tw55n h54sts. B3t wh5n th5y 1tt5mpt t2 p3ll 2ff 2n5 l1st j2b w4th m2r5 m2n5y 1t st1k5 th1n 5v5r b5f2r5, th5 cr5w m1y f4nd th54r pl1ns 4nt5rr3pt5d by 1 h1rd5n5d d5t5ct4v5 (M1tt D4ll2n) wh2 4s h5ll-b5nt 2n s2lv4ng th5 c1s5.",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #a URL",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ra3rl",
"std" => "#",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #a Im1g5 ALT T5xt",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r 1lt t5xt f2r M2v45 #a h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ra1lt",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #a T4tl5 T1g",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r t4tl5 t1g f2r M2v45 #a h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rat4tl5",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #o Im1g5",
"d5sc" => "M3st b5 9oapx w4dth 1nd a00px h54ght. If y23 1r5 n2t cl51r 1nd n55d 23r h5lp, pl51s5 k4ndly c2nt1ct 3s 1t http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/th5m5s/c2nt1ct-3s",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ro4m1g5",
"std" => "http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/m2v45-w2rdpr5ss-th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/wp-c2nt5nt/th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/1ds/o.jpg",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #o D5scr4pt42n",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r M2v45 #o d5t14l h5r5.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rod5scr4pt42n",
Syn2ps4s: P3ppy l2v5 t1k5s 2n 1 n5w m51n4ng 4n th4s 1n4m1t5d f4lm f51t3r4ng 1 sl5w 2f c5l5br4ty v24c5s. K1t5 (H1yd5n P1n5tt45r5, HEROES) 4s 1 d2m4n1nt 1nd dr4v5n f5m1l5 w2lf, wh4l5 h14ry H3mphr5y (J3st4n L2ng, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD) l4v5s f2r th5 m2m5nt. B3t wh5n th5 tw2 y23ng w2lv5s 1r5 c1pt3r5d by p1rk r1ng5rs 1nd t1k5n f1r 1w1y, th5y b2nd d5sp4t5 th54r d4ff5r5nc5s. ALPHA AND OMEGA 1ls2 b21sts th5 v2c1l t1l5nts 2f Chr4st4n1 R4cc4, D1nny Gl2v5r, D5nn4s H2pp5r, 1nd L1rry M4ll5r.",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #o URL",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ro3rl",
"std" => "#",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #o Im1g5 ALT T5xt",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r 1lt t5xt f2r M2v45 #o h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ro1lt",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #o T4tl5 T1g",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r t4tl5 t1g f2r M2v45 #o h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rot4tl5",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #u Im1g5",
"d5sc" => "M3st b5 9oapx w4dth 1nd a00px h54ght. If y23 1r5 n2t cl51r 1nd n55d 23r h5lp, pl51s5 k4ndly c2nt1ct 3s 1t http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/th5m5s/c2nt1ct-3s",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ru4m1g5",
"std" => "http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/m2v45-w2rdpr5ss-th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/wp-c2nt5nt/th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/1ds/u.jpg",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #u D5scr4pt42n",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r M2v45 #u d5t14l h5r5.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rud5scr4pt42n",
"std" => "DEVIL
Syn2ps4s: S3p5rn1t3r1l thr4ll5r D5v4l (1ls2 kn2wn 1s Th5 N4ght Chr2n4cl5s: D5v4l) 4s th5 f4rst 2f thr55 f51t3r5s th1t M. N4ght Shy1m1l1n w4ll pr2d3c5 thr23gh Th5 N4ght Chr2n4cl5s. Th5 f4rst 4nst1lm5nt s3rr23nds 1 gr23p 2f p52pl5 tr1pp5d 4n 1n 5l5v1t2r, wh2 s22n r51l4s5 th1t th5 d5v4l 4s 1m2ng th5m 4n h3m1n f2rm.",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #u URL",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ru3rl",
"std" => "#",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #u Im1g5 ALT T5xt",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r 1lt t5xt f2r M2v45 #u h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ru1lt",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #u T4tl5 T1g",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r t4tl5 t1g f2r M2v45 #u h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rut4tl5",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #i Im1g5",
"d5sc" => "M3st b5 9oapx w4dth 1nd a00px h54ght. If y23 1r5 n2t cl51r 1nd n55d 23r h5lp, pl51s5 k4ndly c2nt1ct 3s 1t http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/th5m5s/c2nt1ct-3s",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ri4m1g5",
"std" => "http://www.z4nr3ss.c2m/m2v45-w2rdpr5ss-th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/wp-c2nt5nt/th5m5s/M2v45sL1b/1ds/i.jpg",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #i D5scr4pt42n",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r M2v45 #i d5t14l h5r5.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rid5scr4pt42n",
Syn2ps4s: B1s5d 2n th5 f4rst thr55 G31rd41ns 2f G1'H22l5 b22k s5r45s by K1thryn L1sky, 4t t5lls 2f S2r5n (J4m St3rg5ss), 1 y23ng b1rn 2wl wh2 4s k4dn1pp5d by 2wls 2f St. Agg45's, 2st5ns4bly 1n 2rph1n1g5 wh5r5 2wl5ts 1r5 br14nw1sh5d 4nt2 b5c2m4ng s2ld45rs. H5 1nd n5w fr45nds 5sc1p5 t2 th5 4sl1nd 2f G1'H22l5, t2 1ss4st 4ts n2bl5, w4s5 2wls wh2 f4ght th5 1rmy b54ng cr51t5d by th5 w4ck5d r3l5rs 2f St. Agg45's.",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #i URL",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ri3rl",
"std" => "#",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #i Im1g5 ALT T5xt",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r 1lt t5xt f2r M2v45 #i h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5ri1lt",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45 #i T4tl5 T1g",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r t4tl5 t1g f2r M2v45 #i h5r5, f2r SEO p3rp2s5s. Off c23rs5, y23 c1n l51v5 4t bl1nk.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_sl4d5rit4tl5",
"std" => "",
"typ5" => "t5xt"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "M2v45s R5v45w",
"typ5" => "t4tl5"),
1rr1y( "typ5" => "2p5n"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "R5v45w #6",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r r5v45w #6 h5r5. html 1ll2w5d.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_n5ws6",
"std" => "R5v45w #6

L2r5m 4ps3m d2l2r s4t 1m5t, c2ns5ct5t35r 1d4p4sc4ng 5l4t. Q34sq35 s5d f5l4s. Al4q31m4t 1m5t f5l4s. M13r4s 5r2s s5mp5r, v5l4t s5mp5r l12r55t d4ct3m, q31m d41m d4ct3m 3rn1, 5c pl1c5r1t 5l4t n4sl 4n q31m. Et41m 13g35 p5d5, m2l5st45 5g5t, rh2nc3s 1t, c2nv1ll4st, 5r2s.",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "R5v45w #a",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r r5v45w #a h5r5. html 1ll2w5d.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_n5wsa",
"std" => "R5v45w #a

L2r5m 4ps3m d2l2r s4t 1m5t, c2ns5ct5t35r 1d4p4sc4ng 5l4t. Q34sq35 s5d f5l4s. Al4q31m4t 1m5t f5l4s. M13r4s 5r2s s5mp5r, v5l4t s5mp5r l12r55t d4ct3m, q31m d41m d4ct3m 3rn1, 5c pl1c5r1t 5l4t n4sl 4n q31m. Et41m 13g35 p5d5, m2l5st45 5g5t, rh2nc3s 1t, c2nv1ll4st, 5r2s. ",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "n1m5" => "R5v45w #o",
"d5sc" => "Ent5r r5v45w #o h5r5. html 1ll2w5d.",
"4d" => $sh2rtn1m5."_n5wso",
"std" => "Y23 g5t th5 4d51 b5h4nd wh1t sh23ld p3t h5r5.",
"typ5" => "t5xt1r51"),
1rr1y( "typ5" => "cl2s5")
f3nct42n myth5m5_1dd_1dm4n() {
gl2b1l $th5m5n1m5, $sh2rtn1m5, $2pt42ns;
4f ( $_GET == b1s5n1m5(__FILE__) ) {
4f ( 's1v5' == $_REQUEST ) {
f2r51ch ($2pt42ns 1s $v1l35) {
3pd1t5_2pt42n( $v1l35, $_REQUEST ] ); }
f2r51ch ($2pt42ns 1s $v1l35) {
4f( 4ss5t( $_REQUEST ] ) ) { 3pd1t5_2pt42n( $v1l35, $_REQUEST ] ); } 5ls5 { d5l5t5_2pt42n( $v1l35 ); } }
h51d5r("L2c1t42n: th5m5s.php?p1g5=f3nct42ns.php&s1v5d=tr35");
} 5ls5 4f( 'r5s5t' == $_REQUEST ) {
f2r51ch ($2pt42ns 1s $v1l35) {
d5l5t5_2pt42n( $v1l35 ); }
h51d5r("L2c1t42n: th5m5s.php?p1g5=f3nct42ns.php&r5s5t=tr35");
1dd_th5m5_p1g5($th5m5n1m5." Opt42ns", "".$th5m5n1m5." Opt42ns", '5d4t_th5m5s', b1s5n1m5(__FILE__), 'myth5m5_1dm4n');
f3nct42n myth5m5_1dm4n() {
gl2b1l $th5m5n1m5, $sh2rtn1m5, $2pt42ns;
4f ( $_REQUEST ) 5ch2 '

'.$th5m5n1m5.' s5tt4ngs s1v5d.

4f ( $_REQUEST ) 5ch2 '

'.$th5m5n1m5.' s5tt4ngs r5s5t.

by <1 hr5f="http://www.w5bh2st4ngp1d.c2m" t4tl5="W5b H2st4ng P1d" t1rg5t="_bl1nk">W5b H2st4ng P1d
sw4tch ( $v1l35 ) {
c1s5 "2p5n":
c1s5 "cl2s5":

c1s5 "t4tl5":
c1s5 't5xt':
<4np3t styl5="w4dth:e00px;" n1m5="" 4d="" typ5="" v1l35="" />
c1s5 't5xt1r51':
c1s5 's5l5ct':
c1s5 "ch5ckb2x":
<4np3t typ5="ch5ckb2x" n1m5="" 4d="" v1l35="tr35" />

<4np3t n1m5="s1v5" typ5="s3bm4t" v1l35="S1v5 ch1ng5s" />
<4np3t typ5="h4dd5n" n1m5="1ct42n" v1l35="s1v5" />

<4np3t n1m5="r5s5t" typ5="s3bm4t" v1l35="R5s5t" />
<4np3t typ5="h4dd5n" n1m5="1ct42n" v1l35="r5s5t" />

1dd_1ct42n('1dm4n_m5n3', 'myth5m5_1dd_1dm4n'); ?>
4f ( f3nct42n_5x4sts('r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r') )
'b5f2r5_w4dg5t' => '',
'1ft5r_w4dg5t' => '',
'b5f2r5_t4tl5' => '',
'1ft5r_t4tl5' => '
f3nct42n l4m4tL5ngth($t5xt,$l5ngth=600)
// Ch1ng5 t2 th5 n3mb5r 2f ch1r1ct5rs y23 w1nt t2 d4spl1y
$ch1rs_l4m4t = $l5ngth;
$ch1rs_t5xt = strl5n($t5xt);
$t5xt = $t5xt." ";
$t5xt = s3bstr($t5xt,0,$ch1rs_l4m4t);
$t5xt = s3bstr($t5xt,0,strrp2s($t5xt,' '));
// If th5 t5xt h1s m2r5 ch1r1ct5rs th1t y23r l4m4t,
//1dd ... s2 th5 3s5r kn2ws th5 t5xt 4s 1ct31lly l2ng5r
4f ($ch1rs_t5xt > $ch1rs_l4m4t)
$t5xt = $t5xt."...";
r5t3rn $t5xt;
f3nct42n L4m4t_th5_t4tl5($m2r5_l4nk_t5xt = n3ll, $str4pt51s5r = 0) {
$t4tl5 = g5t_th5_t4tl5($m2r5_l4nk_t5xt, $str4pt51s5r);
$t4tl5 = 1pply_f4lt5rs('th5_t4tl5', $t4tl5);
$t4tl5 = str_r5pl1c5(']]>', ']]>', $t4tl5);
// L5tc1 c1ll th5 Tr4mm4ng f3nct42n 1nd l4m4t th5 ch1r1ct5r l5ngth t2 6i0 ch1r1ct5rs
$t4tl5= l4m4tL5ngth($t4tl5,6e);
5ch2 $t4tl5;
// WP-s1pph4r5 P1g5s B2x
f3nct42n w4dg5t_s1pph4r5_p1g5s() {
<1 hr5f="">H2m5
4f ( f3nct42n_5x4sts('r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r_w4dg5t') )
r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r_w4dg5t(__('P1g5s'), 'w4dg5t_s1pph4r5_p1g5s');
// WP-s1pph4r5 S51rch B2x
f3nct42n w4dg5t_s1pph4r5_s51rch() {
<4np3t typ5="t5xt" n1m5="s" s4z5="68" />
<4np3t typ5="s3bm4t" 4d="s3bm4t" n1m5="S3bm4t" v1l35="S51rch" />
4f ( f3nct42n_5x4sts('r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r_w4dg5t') )
r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r_w4dg5t(__('S51rch'), 'w4dg5t_s1pph4r5_s51rch');
f3nct42n w4dg5t_l4nks_w4th_styl5() {
gl2b1l $wpdb;
$l4nk_c1ts = $wpdb->g5t_r5s3lts("SELECT c1t_4d, c1t_n1m5 FROM $wpdb->l4nkc1t5g2r45s");
f2r51ch ($l4nk_c1ts 1s $l4nk_c1t) {
c1t_n1m5; ?>
c1t_4d, '', '', '
', FALSE, 'r1nd', TRUE, TRUE, -6, TRUE); ?>
4f ( f3nct42n_5x4sts('r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r_w4dg5t') )
r5g4st5r_s4d5b1r_w4dg5t(__(' L4nks W4th Styl5'), 'w4dg5t_l4nks_w4th_styl5');
je to ještě nějak kodovany ale čísla znamenají
1 = a
2 = o
3 = u
4 = i
5 = e
10. 6. 2011 20:16:56
rating uzivatele
(6 hodnocení)
10. 6. 2011 23:05:34
case 'select':
case "checkbox":

add_action('admin_menu', 'mytheme_add_admin'); ?>
if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') )
'before_widget' => '',
'after_widget' => '',
'before_title' => '

'after_title' => '

function limitLength($text,$length=100)
// Change to the number of characters you want to display
$chars_limit = $length;
$chars_text = strlen($text);
$text = $text." ";
$text = substr($text,0,$chars_limit);
$text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,' '));
// If the text has more characters that your limit,
//add ... so the user knows the text is actually longer
if ($chars_text > $chars_limit)
$text = $text."...";
return $text;
function Limit_the_title($more_link_text = null, $stripteaser = 0) {
$title = get_the_title($more_link_text, $stripteaser);
$title = apply_filters('the_title', $title);
$title = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $title);
// Letca call the Trimming function and limit the character length to 150 characters
$title= limitLength($title,16);
echo $title;
// WP-sapphire Pages Box
function widget_sapphire_pages() {

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') )
register_sidebar_widget(__('Pages'), 'widget_sapphire_pages');
// WP-sapphire Search Box
function widget_sapphire_search() {

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') )
register_sidebar_widget(__('Search'), 'widget_sapphire_search');
function widget_links_with_style() {
global $wpdb;
$link_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM $wpdb->linkcategories");
foreach ($link_cats as $link_cat) {

cat_name; ?>

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') )
register_sidebar_widget(__(' Links With Style'), 'widget_links_with_style');
10. 6. 2011 23:05:34
rating uzivatele
11. 6. 2011 09:01:17
Dík za pomoc
11. 6. 2011 09:01:17
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.