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Podivný e-mail od Google (U.S. tax information)

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(22 hodnocení)
4. 2. 2019 09:06:01
Ahoj, před pár dny mi přišel od Googlu podivný e-mail s předmětem Google needs tax information from you.
Please read this – it's an important and time-sensitive notification from Google.
Google has an obligation to comply with certain U.S. information reporting and tax withholding requirements as it relates to payments that it makes to vendors, customers, partners, developers, and content providers. In order to comply with information reporting and withholding tax regulations, we need to obtain specific documentation/information from you regarding your tax withholding status.
At this point, we are still missing some key data from you. If we are unable to obtain the required documentation/information from you, there may be a delay in processing future payments to you. We may be required to withhold U.S. federal income taxes from future payments to you, and the requested documentation is required to ensure the proper amounts, if any, are withheld.
Please follow the linked instructions to provide the requested documentation/information within the next 15 days. Doing so will help prevent potentially erroneous tax withholding or unnecessary delays in processing future payments to you.
Konkrétně to linkuje na tuhle stránku, kde se pak prokliknu na nějaký US formulář. Nejsem z toho úplně moudrý, původně jsem si myslel, že je to něco k AdSense, ale není… tak moc nechápu, proč chce po mě Google daňové údaje pro US, když mám českou firmu a nijak s US neobchoduji a ani jsem nikdy neobchodoval. Nepřišlo to někomu také, případně řešili jste to nějak?
4. 2. 2019 09:06:01
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.