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Paypal Personal account vs Business account

rating uzivatele
(73 hodnocení)
1. 12. 2008 14:01:54
až teraz som si vsimol že pp personal account nema poplatky pri prijati platieb.
Aka je vyhoda busines accountu?pretože ja mam bussines a uvedomil som si že zbytocne prichadzam o peniaze poplatkami...Ake konto máte vy?
Mam vtom trochu chaoz.
vdaka za radu
1. 12. 2008 14:01:54
Milan Kryl
rating uzivatele
(26 hodnocení)
1. 12. 2008 14:43:55
viz help
What is the difference between Personal, Premier, and Business accounts?
PayPal Personal, Premier, and Business accounts have different features and fees.
With a Personal account, you can send payments for free. You can also accept payments, including a limited number of credit or debit card payments. These are assessed a transaction fee. To see your Personal account limits, log in to your account and click "View Limits."
Premier and Business account holders can accept all payment types for low fees. These accounts also include premium features. For a list of costs, see our Fees page.
1. 12. 2008 14:43:55
rating uzivatele
(73 hodnocení)
1. 12. 2008 14:53:41
takže ked prekrocim urcity limitt ono sa mi to samo prepne do bussines... spravne?
Ina vdaka tie limity som nevedel najst
1. 12. 2008 14:53:41
rating uzivatele
1. 12. 2008 16:00:33
Samo se ti to neprepne, bud si aktivujes upgrade accountu sam, nebo po urcite sume bude PP pozadovat overeni. Musis pak uploadnout informace o tve osobe, pokud chces Business account a vyuzivat vyhodnejsich sluzeb.
1. 12. 2008 16:00:33
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