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OSN chce cez ITU získať „medzinárodnú kontrolu nad internetom“

rating uzivatele
(14 hodnocení)
27. 3. 2012 00:21:04
a zas im jebe...Nedajú si pokoj... Rád by som vedel, prečo im internet tak leží v žalúdku....Aj tak nezabránia šíreniu alternatívnych ( aj ked vlastne teraz to už ani niesú "alternatívne" pretože o nich-informáciach vie každý finančník, každý robotník, každý konzument ) informácii... Slobodu slova majú podchytenú už aj na nete, tak WTF ?
27. 3. 2012 00:21:04
rating uzivatele
(2 hodnocení)
27. 3. 2012 01:05:16
A voni prostě nedaj pokoj...
27. 3. 2012 01:05:16
Ten článek je jen malilinko zaujatý.
Farmers who live far from markets are now able to find buyers for their crops through their Internet-connected mobile devices without assuming the risks and expenses of traveling with their goods. Worried parents are able to go online to locate medicine for their sick children. And proponents of political freedom are better able to share information and organize support to break down the walls of tyranny.
It is no coincidence that these wonderful developments blossomed as the Internet migrated further away from government control.
Today, however, Russia, China and their allies within the 193 member states of the ITU want to renegotiate the 1988 treaty to expand its reach into previously unregulated areas.
A top-down, centralized, international regulatory overlay is antithetical to the architecture of the Net, which is a global network of networks without borders. No government, let alone an intergovernmental body, can make engineering and economic decisions in lightning-fast Internet time.
Ta přetvářka je zarážející. Internet pod správou USA je přece přímo bašta svobody, ne?
Článek napsal byrokrat z amerického úřadu (FCC) do amerického časopisu.
27. 3. 2012 01:12:34
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