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Nová kniha o SEO od Dannyho Dovera a Eriica Dafforna

Karel Benáček
rating uzivatele
(37 hodnocení)
25. 10. 2012 12:39:44
Před chvílí se na Zoner Press objevil český překlad knihy: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Secrets.
Český název knihy je SEO – Optimalizace pro vyhledávače profesionálně. Na českém vydání této knihy spolupracovali Ing. Jaroslav Vidim a Pavel Ungr z poradenské společnosti H1.CZ.
Máte s knihou zkušenosti? Stojí za investici?
25. 10. 2012 12:39:44
Patrik Štefko
rating uzivatele
(33 hodnocení)
25. 10. 2012 12:52:31
Pokial sa jedna o preklad tohoto tak sa to precitat oplati, mam precitanu Kindle edition, uz davnejsie.
Nie je to vska kniha urcena pre zaciatocnikov ale skor vzdelavanie pokrocilych.
Zacitujem z knihy
Who This Book Is For
This book is for the SEO who already knows the basics of SEO and wants
to take this knowledge to the next level so that they can make more money.
In the SEO industry, the best way I have found to do this is to do SEO
This book is written as a guide to becoming an SEO consultant or for
those who want to use the strategies of professional SEO consultants. It
clearly lays out the processes and perspectives I have used at SEOmoz
when I did consulting for some of the most well-known websites on the
Internet. It is intended for those who love the Internet and strive to influence
how it operates.
Why This Book Is Better Than Other
SEO Books
Modern SEO is complicated, fast moving, and rife with misconceptions.
This makes it extremely difficult to learn. When I began researching for this
book, I read all of the major SEO books that were available. I quickly found
that they were full of theory and lacked actionable steps to really help the
reader master the subject.
I wrote this book with the goal of building the bridge between theory and
action by bringing together all of the best sources of information I have
found and putting them in a format that makes it easy to understand and,
more importantly, do SEO like a professional. This emphasis on action
follows the steps I originally used to learn SEO. I believe this focus on
process followed by explanation is unique among SEO books on the
market, and I believe it will make the difference that allows you to out rank
your competition.
25. 10. 2012 12:52:31
Pavel Ungr
rating uzivatele
25. 10. 2012 16:59:27
Určitě ano, je to první kniha v češtině, která je opravdu dobrá a moc ji doporučuji.
25. 10. 2012 16:59:27
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.