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"Nokia is a hardware company that hates software"

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(8 hodnocení)
19. 9. 2010 11:01:28
Tohle vysvětluje mnohé:
Nokia's problem -- and I've heard this same story from at least half a
dozen former and present Nokia employees who read DF -- is that their
handset business is fundamentally based around hardware teams. When
they decide to make a phone, they put together a hardware team for
that model, and that team makes all decisions. That's why they have no
cohesive software strategy. Nokia sees software as one component in a
hardware-based view of the industry. Here's a description from an
email sent to me by a former Nokia software engineer:
Here's the problem: Hardware Rules at Nokia. The software is
written by the software groups inside of Nokia, and it is then given
to the hardware group, which gets to decide what software goes
on the device, and the environment in which it runs. All schedules
are driven by the hardware timelines. It was not uncommon for us
to give them code that ran perfectly by their own test, only to have
them do things like reduce the available memory for the software
to 25% the specified allocation, and then point the finger back at
software when things failed in the field.
In addition, I read their "competitive analysis" of the iPhone. It was
a short powerpoint deck that proceeded to lay out all of the reasons
why Nokia did not have to change what they were doing at all. They
even included "developer annoyance at the App Store submission
process" as a reason why the iPhone would ultimately fail (this was
around the time that the 3GS was released, so they had no excuse).
Bottom Line: Nokia is a hardware company that hates software.
19. 9. 2010 11:01:28
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