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Největší krádež v dějinách lidstva – když se bankéři sází o biliony

Velmi doporučuji tyto dva články o největším podrazu v dějinách civilizace a o převzetí vlády v USA:
The Big Takeover
It's over — we're officially, royally fucked. No empire can survive being rendered a permanent laughingstock, which is what happened as of a few weeks ago, when the buffoons who have been running things in this country finally went one step too far. It happened when Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was forced to admit that he was once again going to have to stuff billions of taxpayer dollars into a dying insurance giant called AIG, itself a profound symbol of our national decline
The Real Crime in the Bailout - Naked CDS Deals
The size of our national economy this year is roughly $15 trillion. The size of the Credit Default Swaps (CDS) market is $64 trillion. The whole world GDP is about $56 trillion . How could the CDS market be larger than the world GDP combined? That doesn't make any sense.
The minute I read that many months ago, I realized that there was something unreal going on in the CDS market. By "unreal" I mean something that is given value even though it is not attached to real assets. And the more I researched, the more I realized that was true.
28. 3. 2009 22:21:36
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
28. 3. 2009 22:42:53
A kdo jeste nevidel tak si muze vysetrit 2 hodiny na Zeitgeist - hlavne posledni tretina je poucna.
28. 3. 2009 22:42:53
Netahej sem tu blbost, díky.
29. 3. 2009 00:46:00
rating uzivatele
(96 hodnocení)
29. 3. 2009 00:51:25
po 22 hodine by se takove veci nemely postovat...
29. 3. 2009 00:51:25
rating uzivatele
(8 hodnocení)
31. 3. 2009 22:54:52
Proč je to blbost? Může snad někdo doložit opaky toho co tam je?
31. 3. 2009 22:54:52
rating uzivatele
(53 hodnocení)
31. 3. 2009 23:32:38
Taky nevim proc je to blbost, neco je urcite pravda, to by sme to pak nemeli v ucebnicich pro stredni skoly :)
31. 3. 2009 23:32:38
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.