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N: Kvantová kryptografie na běžných zařízeních

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(22 hodnocení)
28. 5. 2014 22:15:19
Japonští výzkumníci přišli na způsob, jak vylepšit technologii takzvané kvantové kryptografie. Nový protokol je navržen pro použití na běžných zařízeních a využívá menší šířku pásma než stávající metody. Prozatím se jedná jen o matematický návrh, který by ovšem mohl významně napomoci tomu, aby kvantová kryptografie začala být více komerčně životaschopná.
Quantum Cryptography with Ordinary Equipment
With an encrypted message, the sender and recipient share a key that unscrambles its contents. Ensuring that the key hasn't been stolen is the problem. With quantum cryptography, the key is created at the sender and receiver by transmitting photons over fiber-optic lines. The polarity of a photon—a quantum property that says whether it is oscillating vertically or at angle—can be determined by the receiver and compared with a second "entangled" photon created at the same time. The polarity of the photons is translated into bits that make up a key to decrypt messages.
With quantum key distribution, the security of the transmission is assured by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. If an eavesdropper tries to intercept the key, it will change the state of the paired photons—an event that can be detected by the sender of the key.
In research published in Nature last week, the Japanese team describes a method for securing communications that doesn’t rely on the uncertainty principle and needs no regular measurement to see if the key's been tampered with.
28. 5. 2014 22:15:19
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