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Moje emaily hadze gmail do SPAMU mxtoolbox hadze tieto chyby

rating uzivatele
24. 5. 2017 14:28:12
Zdravim, mam novu .com domenu a novy us shared hosting a ked som si spravil email ucet na hostingu a skusil poslat skusobny email tak mi ho hodilo na gmaile do spamu.
mxtoolbox hadze tieto chyby:
SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch Warning - Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner More Info
SMTP TLS Warning - Does not support TLS. More Info
SMTP Transaction Time 15.136 seconds - Not good! on Transaction Time More Info
Ja som iba kupil domenu, u druhej spolocnosti kupil hosting a akurat som pridal nameservers hostingu ku domene.
Co mam spravit? alebo nastavit? Alebo na koho sa mam obratit? Na registratora domeny ci hosting?
24. 5. 2017 14:28:12
rating uzivatele
(32 hodnocení)
24. 5. 2017 14:33:49
hosting samozrejme
24. 5. 2017 14:33:49
rating uzivatele
25. 5. 2017 16:44:57
z hostingu mi odpisali toto:
We are sorry to hear about the problem with the delivery of your messages to spam folders. We would like to inform you that the IP address of your account is not included in any spam lists.
Also, a reverse DNS (RDNS/PTR) entry is already created for your IP address.
The tool that you used assumes that you use a dedicated server, where your domain should match the reverse DNS entry of the IP address, which is technically impossible on shared hosting service. However this mismatch is not a reason for delivery of messages into spam folders. Also, there aren't any other customers on the same server with the same problem, so there could be some other reasons for this problem, like specific keywords in your messages or issues with your domain.
Cize co mam spravit? Lebo stale to hadze gmail do spamu... uz som skusal poslat dlhy email aj kratky na rozne moje gmailovske adresy a furt je to v spame. Na centrume to hadze pekne do prijatej posty.
Viete mi niekto poradit? Alebo co im mam napisat?
25. 5. 2017 16:44:57
rating uzivatele
25. 5. 2017 20:03:52
Možností je několik
a) zakoupil jste doménu se špatnou pověstí
b) doména je příliš mladá a dobrou reputaci si teprve musí vybudovat
c) e-maily jsou podobné spamu (otestujte na
25. 5. 2017 20:03:52
rating uzivatele
25. 5. 2017 22:36:08
Moja domena je nova, ma cca mesiac. Co som pozeral nejake domain history tool tak to vyzera ze nebola nikdy predtym registrovana. Mam ale cca rovnako staru domenu .com regnutu cez toho isteho registratora, ktoru mam ale na hostingu od wedosu a tam problem nemam..
Skusil som ten mail tester. Najskor som do mailu hodil iba nejake znaky a dalo mi to skore 6.1 no potom som do emailu skopiroval nejaky text a dalo mi to skore 8
Chyby su 2
You do not have a SPF record, please add the following one to your domain.... to mi napisalo pri oboch a potom vela nejakych udajov(short TXT short SPF a ine... ), ktore neviem naco su a kam ich mam dat
25. 5. 2017 22:36:08
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