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Mikrotransakce ve flashových hrách o řád výnosnější než inzerce?

Generating Cash For Premium Flash
"That model just hasn't delivered for several reasons," Harris observes. "One obstacle is getting the advertisers to understand how it works; another is that our games are played all over the world and, in places like China where we're really popular, our CPMs looked pretty pitiful -- almost zero because none of the information on how to buy things is in Chinese. Obviously localization became a problem."
And so, since SAS launched in mid-June, it has made between 20 and 30 cents CPM on advertising -- compared with the average $3.60 per thousand game plays that it has generated, through over 50,000 completed transactions for premium weapon packs and level upgrades.
Ukousnou z tohoto nového koláče mikrotransakcí něco také menší portály s hrami?
25. 10. 2009 02:51:31
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