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Koupě auta s mimořádným odpisem v DE

rating uzivatele
13. 7. 2021 13:22:43
Dobrý den,
prosím o radu, jak nejlépe koupit auto, abych mohla použít mimořádný odpis v daňové evidenci?
Lze to uplatnit i na auto pořízené na leasing? Leasing je asi nejlepší z pohledu uplatňování DPH, každý měsíc si budu uplatňovat poměrnou část. Když bych ho měla na půjčku, tak mi ho vyfakturují celé a uplatním si celou sumu DPH najednou. Což je většinou signál pro FÚ, že by se mohli stavit na kontrolu. :-)
A když nebude nové, ale ještě ho nikdo neodpisoval (třeba prodejce aut, co ho má jako předváděcí vůz...)?
Děkuji za každou radu, účetní v tomto trochu plave.
13. 7. 2021 13:22:43
rating uzivatele
13. 7. 2021 14:09:44
Nejen účetní.... hlavní je jaký leasing máš na mysli. Jinak pokud bys ho brala za hotové nebo na úvěr, stačí ho do konce roku přihlásit a zařadit do majetku. Je jedno zda je nové nebo použité.
13. 7. 2021 14:09:44
rating uzivatele
17. 8. 2021 09:51:53
It seems like every post on buying a new car there are a handful of people that say it's a terrible idea because it loses x% of its value driving off the lot. I just don't understand why that matters. I'm buying a new car in a couple weeks because my current car is 18 years old and the most recent maintenance issue I was quoted at about half the value of the car to fix. I don't see the sense in paying $500 here and $1000 there on an increasingly aging car worth $2500 at best. If you get a new vehicle and drive it for the next 15-20 years, how much are people really looking to get out of them!? I don't think there is a car in the world that's 18 years old that I would pay more than 3k for. The only way I can see depreciation mattering to someone is if they buy a car they can't afford and have to sell or they try to buy another car way before the useable lifespan of their current one and therefore have to sell. Buy a new car, drive it for 20 years, get what you can out of it. By that time you should be able to afford another one. I'm buying a car to use, not sell to some one in 5 years. Am I missing something?
17. 8. 2021 09:51:53
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