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Investujte do stromů v Brazílii

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Investice do eukalyptů v Brazílii
Kupte strom za 8 dolarů, za 8 let ho nechte pokácet a prodejte za 30.
Mají i graf srovnávající "výnos stromu" a "výnos akcií", ať to je cokoliv.
Než cokoliv koupíte, musíte složit nevratnou zálohu 500 Euro.
Nejspíš jim to vynáší, protože jsem na to narazil přes reklamu na New York Times. Banner mě zaujal propozicí "Government Backed Secured Investments". Všechno, co je government backed, smrdí bublinou.
Tohle ale ani government backed není, je to past na hlupáky.
Asociace: Tulipánové šílenství
4. 2. 2010 03:00:22
Michal Feltl
rating uzivatele
(20 hodnocení)
4. 2. 2010 07:18:14
Škoda toho vysokého vstupního poplatku. Nešlo by něco podobného implementovat na české luhy a háje?
"Na jaře zainvestujte do pole a jestli na podzim něco sklidíme tak Vám dáme výnos..." :)
4. 2. 2010 07:18:14
rating uzivatele
(3 hodnocení)
4. 2. 2010 09:03:26
takže zúročení cca 30% ročně, to není moc.
4. 2. 2010 09:03:26
Na tohle nikdy nenaleťte. Jasný podvod.
Sám jsem dělal ve firmě, která se inspirovala filmem Boiler Room. Majitelé z Holandska. Do dvou měsíců utekli, protože toho měli víc ve více zemí Evropy. Za měsíc už měli v Praze jinou firmu, s jiným jednatelem a prodávali investice do Teakového dřeva a falešné firmy v daňových rájích. Potíž je v tom, že dostanete jen kus papíru a po letech už nenajdete ani třeba ten svůj kus lesa, ani firmu, prostě nic.
4. 2. 2010 09:13:38
rating uzivatele
(16 hodnocení)
4. 2. 2010 09:34:26
takže zúročení cca 30% ročně, to není moc.
nevim jak jsi to vypocital, ale me vyslo cca 40% rocne :))
znamy (vysokosklak !) si takto podobne koupil nejakou pudu v asii, pry podle statistiky za par let to vyleti uplne nad mraky. Investoval 200$ a ma mu vynest za 5 let 6000$. Obdrzel take kousek papiru s razitkem. uplnou 5 let a firma nikde :P
4. 2. 2010 09:34:26
Napsal unlucky;450594
nevim jak jsi to vypocital, ale me vyslo cca 40% rocne :))
(30/8)^(1/8) = 17,9 % p. a., webtržníčci. (Ale těch 8 let jsem tam nikde výslovně nenašel, mají to moc dobře schované.)
18. 2. 2010 02:31:40
Napsal maturant z matematiky;460485
Napsal unlucky;450594
nevim jak jsi to vypocital, ale me vyslo cca 40% rocne :))
(30/8)^(1/8) = 17,9 % p. a., webtržníčci. (Ale těch 8 let jsem tam nikde výslovně nenašel, mají to moc dobře schované.)
haló everyone,
I came across this thread regarding Greenwood Management, I work for the company.
I know there may be some difficulties with the language barrier however I think that it is important that you understand that the link to the main web page shows the basics of how as a tree grows it increases in value it is not however in direct reference to the eucalyptus project in question. The website is a more general site that is purely there to explain the basic mechanics of timber investment and there are numerous projects that are currently under management.
We try to show our clients as much clarity in direct reference to the projects as we can. The project site is still undergoing work regarding the Eucalyptus projects under management in 2009 in Brazil and is due to be released with the end of year client reports on March 15th, the final phase completed in 2009-2010 is currently being completed.
However if you would like to go to I think that you will find the details a little more exact.
The projects are government funded through reforestation credits these are issued through SEMARSH and as projected by ourselves (although not an important part of the project) the Brazilian government have pushed through a law that requires all steel producers to utilize charcoal from plantation grown sources as opposed to utilizing imported coking coal or native vegetation, this can be confirmed on the Brazilian website here .
The projects have been aligned to supply charcoal into the state of Minas Gerais as this state currently holds 10 out of the 27 pig iron producers in Brazil.
In 2008 this market utilized 70% coking coal and 30% charcoal for energy, whilst a large proportion of this charcoal had been produced from native vegetation.
We plant 1,660 trees per hectare on a (spacing of 2-3) our projections are based on the following-
2. Assumptions Used For The Projected Valuation Of Charcoal:
Greenwood Management ApS have set their projection rate as R$86.00 per cubic metre (MDC) for forecasting purposes (or R$43 per cubic metre of timber.) Currently companies such as Cargill and Bunge are using R$60 per cubic metre for timber planning purposes. This figure is based on the average values per cubic metre of charcoal (MDC) in Minas Gerais in 2009. A base rate increase of 3.3% per annum has also been included to account for the power of time. Based on harvesting, set between years 6-8, this has been averaged to provide a projected forecast figure of R$107.98 per cubic metre of charcoal (MDC). Additionally, the projected rate is viewed by Greenwood Management ApS as a conservative figure, due to this average value being attributed in the midst of the global recession, whilst the average values for charcoal in 2008 show R$131.50 per cubic metre of charcoal (MDC). Live prices can be found in the “investor relations” section on the Greenwood Management project related website.
3. Projected Forest Productivity (MAI) Mean Annual Increment:
Greenwood Management ApS have forecast, in line with generally accepted growth rates, average projected MAI of 45m3/ha/yr. Based on this assumption and including an average harvest date between years 6-8, this results in an expected eucalyptus crop of 315 cubic metres per hectare over the term.
4. Loss Of Bio-Mass Through Charcoal Conversion:
Greenwood Management ApS account for the loss of 50% of the harvested eucalyptus in the process used to create charcoal. However it is felt through the expected use of torrefaction technology, as opposed to existing slow pyrolysis kilns, this loss can be reduced to 30%. These assumptions, using a 50% loss, result in a projected 157.5 cubic metres of charcoal per hectare.
5. Current Projections Based On These Assumptions:
• Projected harvest date set = Year 7
• Projected value per cubic metre of charcoal = R$107.98
• Total charcoal produced per hectare = 157.5 MDC
• Total projected revenue achieved per hectare = (157.5 x R$107.98) = R$17,006.85
If you have any further queries hopefully I can help you on this.
19. 2. 2010 11:45:07
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