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Hladam majitela eshopu a navstevnostpu 10000/mesacne

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11. 8. 2021 20:35:57
Caute, 8 rokov sa venujem A/B testovaniu a webovej analytike. Vo firme sme vyvinuli softver ktory automaticky vykona A/B test na vybranych prvkoch a nasledne navrhne riesenia ako zlepsit mieru konverzie 
Chceme to dat do predaja, ale na podporu predaja potrebujeme pripadovu studiu, na ktorej hodnotu tohto programu ukazeme.
Teda hladam niekoho kto ma uspesny eshop s vysokou navstevnostou a ponukam vam moje sluzby zdarma za to ze budete 1. zakaznik a vas eshop posluzi ako priklad do pripadovej studie.
Mal by niekto zaujem? Prakticky nemate co stratit a vzajomne si vieme pomoct.
11. 8. 2021 20:35:57
Máme tady sekci poptávky ty softvere..
12. 8. 2021 09:21:09
rating uzivatele
13. 8. 2021 08:36:24
Napsal Creativum;1628588
Caute, I have been doing A / B testing and web analytics for 8 years. We have developed software in the company that will automatically perform an A / B test on selected elements and then propose solutions to improve the mygiftcardsite rate. 
We want to put it into sales, but to support sales we need a case study to show the value of this program.
So I'm looking for someone who has a successful e-shop with high traffic and I offer you my services for free for being the first customer and your e-shop will serve as an example in a case study.
Should anyone be interested? You have practically nothing to lose and we can help each other.
Pleased to see your question as I think I have the same question , but i am looking for eshop owner with 5000 visitor per month so please give me any suggestion.
13. 8. 2021 08:36:24
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