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Google pracuje na největším MFA na světě – ze skenů starších knih

Google's book grab
A court in the Southern District of New York will soon make a decision that could determine our digital future.
A ruling is expected shortly on a proposed settlement of lawsuits filed against Google in 2005 by groups representing authors and publishers claiming that Google's book-scanning project violated copyright.
If approved, the settlement would produce not one but two court-sanctioned monopolies. Google will have permission to bring under its sole control information that has been accessible through public institutions for centuries. In essence, Google will be privatizing our libraries.
Google would get an explicit, perpetual license to scan and sell access to these in-copyright but out-of-print orphans, which make up an estimated 50 to 70 percent of books published after 1923. No other provider of digital books would enjoy the same legal protection. The settlement also creates a Book Rights Registry that, in conjunction with Google, would set prices for all commercial terms associated with digital books.
Legally Speaking: The Dead Souls of the Google Booksearch Settlement
The proposed Book Search settlement agreement will solve the orphan works problem for books—at least for Google. Under this agreement, which must be approved by a federal court judge to become final, Google would get, among other things, a license to display up to 20 per cent of the contents of in-copyright out-of-print books, to run ads alongside these displays, and to sell access to the full texts of these books to institutional subscribers and to individual purchasers.
More important is Google’s commitment to pay the BRR 63 per cent of the revenues it makes from Book Search that are subject to sharing provisions. The revenue streams will come from ads appearing next to displays of in-copyright books in response to user queries and from individual purchases of and institutional subscriptions to some or all of the books in the corpus. Google and the BRR may also develop new business models over time that will be subject to similar sharing.
Tomu říkám velká hra. Ne se pidlikovat s magazínkama, pomalu budovat čtenářstvo a komunitu a přirozeně oslovovat další návštěvníky. Naskenovat miliardy stránek, zajistit si exkluzivitu a prodávat reklamu a přístup.
Jedno se lidem v Google upřít nedá - megalomanie, před kterou bledne i Microsoft a Sovětský svaz.
30. 5. 2009 01:06:53
rating uzivatele
(15 hodnocení)
30. 5. 2009 01:12:37
Skvělej nápad.
Sice pro nás by to bylo asi neuskutečnitelné :D, ale za to google má prostředky a nápady a chtějí víc a víc a to se my na nich líbí :)
30. 5. 2009 01:12:37
rating uzivatele
(14 hodnocení)
21. 9. 2009 06:26:24
a knihkupci nebudou mít co žrát .. no, největší počet knih vydaných po roce 1923, a navíc bude těžit z reklamy - doufám že jim to ten sou zatrhne
21. 9. 2009 06:26:24
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.