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Facebook zmazanie skupiny

rating uzivatele
(7 hodnocení)
31. 8. 2012 16:32:54
Zdar, nedavno som sem komentoval ze nemam ziadnu skusenost pri zmazani skupiny facebookom aj ked som vytvoril uz mnozstvo skupin ale hold to na mna prislo, skupina ktora mala cca pol rok a sice 1 200 000 fans, prisiel mail ze bola zmazana skupina, dovod, skopirujem mail, viem ze sa to deje casto a podobne ale rad by som pochopil ten dovod, spamoval som tam len linky na funny web. Ak ma niekto podobnu skusenost, kontaktoval ich niekde alebo to nejako riesil dajte vediet.
We have removed your Stránka: Smiley from Facebook because we received a report alleging that it infringed or violated the rights of a third party, and/or because we have reason to believe that you are not authorized to represent the subject matter of the Page.
We strongly encourage you to review the content you have posted to Facebook to make sure that you have not posted any other unauthorized or infringing content. Please keep in mind that it is our policy to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers/violators when appropriate.
If you believe that we have made a mistake in removing this content, then please visit for more information.
tím Facebooku
31. 8. 2012 16:32:54
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