Facebook -> soukromá zpráva kvůli změně kódu – věřit nebo ne?
21. 10. 2012 21:08:30
Hi there! We operate http://www.designcontest.com/. You have link to us on every page of your WordPress blog as you downloaded and installed our WordPress template. As you probably heard Google has released the new algo updates "Panda 3.5" and "Penguin" that targets sites with sitewide (on every page) links. This means that your site http://teorievelkehotresku.net/ as well as http://www.designcontest.com/ will most likely fall under Google filter and get lower search rankings. To avoid Google penalty simply remove the link to designcontest.com by editing your WordPress templates footer.php file. There are two ways to edit your Wordpress theme footer.php. 1) Use FTP client and edit /public_html/wp-content/themes//footer.php 2) Use WordPress Interface: a) login to your WP admin panel: http://teorievelkehotresku.net/wp-admin/ b) On the Left Select: Appereance => Editor c) On the right select Footer.php Simply replace the content of your footer.php with this code: