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rating uzivatele
(23 hodnocení)
17. 2. 2013 14:30:21
Vybral jsem si na zkoušku, přišel email o nastavení ale nerozumím jedné věci:
Please enter as the outgoing email server name - SMTP hostname.
Make sure that SMTP authentication (SASL) is turned ON, the username listed matches your register sender login, and the password matches the one that you got in this email or that you used on password change.
Set the SMTP port to 2525. Please, be aware that in some cases port 2525 is disabled by your ISP or a firewall. If you have problems, this could be the case. You should try the other available ports: 25 and 25025.
Encryption (SSL or TLS) should be off.
Please add the SPF information to your DNS settings, this is very important for the successful delivery. Please see the records below:
SPF record: "v=spf1 ?all"
This SPF text string MUST be added to the .TXT file of the DNS record for the domain or domains that you will send from. Failure to do so will greatly reduce the success of your email deliveries. Often, the company that registered the domain for you will take care of this. Sometimes, they provide a portal for domain owners to manage the DNS content themselves. Please contact us BEFORE sending if you do not understand how to add this to your DNS record(s).
Může mi prosím někdo vysvětlit co musím přidat do .TXT souboru a kam to přesně přidat? Děkuju
17. 2. 2013 14:30:21
rating uzivatele
(22 hodnocení)
17. 2. 2013 15:43:04
Normalka to co ti pisi v " dej do DNS zaznamu typu SPF. Nebo mas vlastni DNS server?
Ale pokud (ted si nejsem jistej) odesilas emaily i mimo, tak to vynech (pripadne uved i ty dalsi zdroje odesilani emailu)
17. 2. 2013 15:43:04
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.