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Dopis z Ciny, ochrana obchodnej znamky

Matej Pilát
rating uzivatele
9. 8. 2012 13:03:58
Prisiel mi dnes mail - znenie nizsie, potreboval by som vediet, ci sa jedna o nejaky podvod alebo sa tym mam aj nejako zaoberat? Teda v podstate mi to je jedno, nech si registruju co chcu, len ma zaujima, ci je to nieco seriozneho alebo nejaky novy okasel o ktorom som este nepocul.
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China and Asia.
On August 6th 2012, We received Keyya Ltd's application that they are registering the name "thinkpro" as their Internet Keyword and " "、" " 、" "domain names etc.., they are China and ASIA domain names. But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so we are sending you this email to check. According to the principle in China, your company is the owner of the trademark, In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you!
---------- Příspěvek doplněn 09.08.2012 v 13:04 ---------- a patria mne, to len ak by to nahodou nebolo jasne
9. 8. 2012 13:03:58
Není to podvod ani seriózní mail. Prostě tě chtějí přimět ke koupi těch domén (od nich), protože je jako někdo chce a tobě by to v nejlepším případě mělo vadit.
9. 8. 2012 13:26:08
Matej Pilát
rating uzivatele
9. 8. 2012 13:27:43
9. 8. 2012 13:27:43
Filip Masura
rating uzivatele
(12 hodnocení)
9. 8. 2012 13:59:02
Tiež som dostal podobný mail :) Nereagoval som...
9. 8. 2012 13:59:02
rating uzivatele
(1 hodnocení)
9. 8. 2012 18:11:18
Nikde som nenašiel, že by bola zaregistrovaná značka thinkpro, maximálne tak thinkproperty a ani tú nevlastnia žiadni Číňania.
9. 8. 2012 18:11:18
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.