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Design Agency Future Direction Help Needed

rating uzivatele
24. 8. 2017 08:37:12
Hi guys,
I am the new CD for a graphic design agency. The agency is quite small and offers mainly publishing services right now - opportunity to expand to branding etc.
However, I also want to expand it to digital. I would like to know what people think is the best scenario for expansion:
1) Outsouring the talent for web design/SEO/SEM to somewhere like Capetown
2) Hiring talent in house (with a risk of there not being much work for them at the start)
3) Acquiring a digital agency and adding it to our business (big investment, but immediate cash flow added in) - currently though nothing suitable seems to be for sale
Please Help.
Thanks !
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
- Marketing Solution Video Examples
24. 8. 2017 08:37:12
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