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Demografická data o hráčích her (studie z USA)
Hry hraje polovina populace, obě pohlaví stejně. 10% se považuje za hráče ("gamer") - víc muži než ženy:
A nearly identical share of men and women report ever playing video games (50% of men and 48% of women).
Young adults are particularly likely to play video games, as well as to identify as “gamers.” Two-thirds (67%) of those ages 18 to 29 say they play video games, while 22% say the term “gamer” describes them well.
Young men in particular play games and identify as “gamers.” Fully 77% of men ages 18 to 29 play video games (more than any other demographic group), compared with 57% of young women – a 20-point difference. Additionally, one-third of young men agree that the term “gamer” describes them well, more than three times the proportion of young women (9%) who describe themselves as gamers.
Starší lidé hrají hodně, ženy nad 50 let (38%) víc než muži nad 50 let (29%), ale málokdo se považuje za hráče:
Although playing video games is especially popular among young adults, a substantial number of older adults play video games as well. More than half (58%) of those ages 30 to 49 play video games, along with 40% of those ages 50 to 64 and 25% of those 65 or older.
In stark contrast to young adults, women ages 50 or older are actually more likely to play video games than men of the same age. Among adults ages 50 and older, 38% of women play video games compared with 29% of men.
Although a notable number of older adults play video games, very few identify as gamers. For instance, just 4% of Americans ages 50 or older feel that this term describes them well. The gender gap in gamer identification also decreases substantially for older age cohorts. As noted above, men ages 18 to 29 are more than three times as likely as their female counterparts to identify as gamers (33% vs. 9%). Among 30- to 49-year-olds, men are twice as likely to identify as gamers (15% vs. 7%). However, among those 50 and older, gamer identification is all but identical between men and women (4% vs. 3%).
16. 12. 2015 23:58:38
Jak fungují fabs/foundries, továrny vyrábějící polovodičové součástky
Semiconductor fabrication plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…
Cleanroom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…
Rock's Law - Cena zařízení k výrobě polovodičů se každé čtyři roky zdvojnásobí
5 Commandments - IEEE Spectrum…
Dnes stojí nová továrna až 14 miliard dolarů.
Propagační video TSMC, největšího výrobce polovodičů na světě (obrat v roce 2013 činil 19 miliard dolarů)
(Zajímalo by mě, kdo odsouhlasil tu hudbu v pozadí)
Nejbližší továrna je v Drážďanech, patří GlobalFoundries, společnosti, která vznikla v roce 2009 odštěpením výroby z AMD a kterou dnes plně vlastní emirát Abú Zabí skrz svůj technologický fond. GlobalFoundries vlastní na světě 10 továren - jednu v Německu, šest v Singapuru a tři v USA.
Na Wikipedii je neúplný seznam továren
List of semiconductor fabrication plants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…
Intel jich podle toho seznamu dnes provozuje dvanáct.
19. 1. 2016 17:14:22
The miasma theory held that diseases such as cholera, chlamydia or the Black Death were caused by a miasma, a noxious form of "bad air".
The miasma theory was accepted from ancient times in Europe, India, and China. The theory was eventually given up by scientists and physicians after 1880. They instead accepted the germ theory of disease: specific germs, not miasma, caused specific diseases.
Dr. William Farr, the assistant commissioner for the 1851 London census, was an important supporter of the miasma theory. He believed that cholera was transmitted by air, and that there was a deadly concentration of miasmata near the River Thames' banks.
The Crimean War nurse Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) was a proponent of the theory and worked to make hospitals sanitary and fresh-smelling. It was stated in 'Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes' (1860) that Nightingale would "keep the air breathes as pure as the external air.
Fear of miasma registered in many early nineteenth century warnings concerning what was termed “unhealthy fog”. The presence of fog strongly indicated the presence of miasma. The miasmas behaved like smoke or mist, blown with air currents, wafted by winds. It did not simply travel on air, it changed the air through which it propagated. The atmosphere was infected by miasma, as diseased people were. Many believed miasma was magical, and was able to change the properties of the air and atmosphere completely.
Even though later disproven by the influence of bacteria and the discovery of viruses, the miasma theory helped make the connection between poor sanitation and disease.
Miasma theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…
20. 1. 2016 11:17:28
Na YouTube kolují videa s návody na krádeže fotek ČTK. Agentura protestuje | Marketing & Media…
5. 2. 2016 17:30:49
Napsal PitiPitiPa;1202899
Weby jsou odpovědné za urážlivé komentáře svých návštěvníků, rozhodl soud –…
Stejný soud nyní v jiném případu rozhodl, že provozovatel webu nenese odpovědnost za urážlivé komentáře.
Hungary: Court ruling on liability for “vulgar and offensive” online comments | HUMANERIGHTSEUROPE…
Rozdíl mezi oběma případy byl údajně v tom, že komentáře na Delfi (ten starší rozsudek) byly nenávistné a vyzývaly k násilí, zatímco na byly pouze urážlivé.
7. 2. 2016 13:51:30
rating uzivatele
(2 hodnocení)
7. 2. 2016 13:57:36
Napsal Martin Schlemmer;1264677
Rozdíl mezi oběma případy byl údajně v tom...
:D Takže vlastně nese odpovědnost primárně za posouzení míry zášti :D
7. 2. 2016 13:57:36
rating uzivatele
(4 hodnocení)
4. 3. 2016 09:18:02
Michio Kaku: Will Mankind Destroy Itself? - YouTube…
4. 3. 2016 09:18:02
rating uzivatele
(2 hodnocení)
8. 3. 2016 20:04:12
Čerstvé české inzeráty. Všechny pohromadě.…
Co-founded by EU
aneb na co vše se dávají dotace
8. 3. 2016 20:04:12
Posílejte sem spíš podnětné a poučné věci, ne takové, které vyvolávají rozhořčení. Těch je všude plno.
9. 3. 2016 00:34:32
rating uzivatele
(22 hodnocení)
9. 3. 2016 15:49:55
Anand Prakash : How I could have hacked all Facebook accounts…
How I could have hacked all Facebook accounts
This post is about a simple vulnerability found on Facebook which could have been used to hack into other user's Facebook account easily without any user interaction. This gave me full access of another users account by setting a new password. I was able to view messages, his credit/debit cards stored under payment section, personal photos etc. Facebook acknowledged the issue promptly, fixed it and rewarded $15,000 USD considering the severity and impact of the vulnerability.
Whenever a user Forgets his password on Facebook, he has an option to reset the password by entering his phone number/ email address on
,Facebook will then send a 6 digit code on his phone number/email address which user has to enter in order to set a new password. I tried to brute the 6 digit code on and was blocked after 10-12 invalid attempts.
Then i looked out for the same issue on and and interestingly rate limiting was missing on forgot password endpoints. I tried to takeover my account ( as per Facebook's policy you should not do any harm on any other users account) and was successful in setting
Lucky bastard...
9. 3. 2016 15:49:55
Instalace skimmeru platebních karet přímo před prodavačkou
16. 3. 2016 14:07:24
Jak označit úložiště jaderného odpadu, aby lidé pochopili varování před nebezpečným zářením i za 10 000 let?
“This is not a place of honour, you should not have come here” – nuclear waste repositories and their messages for the future | lukebennett13…
21. 3. 2016 01:40:47
Inside the studio of the “micro-engraver” who works between heartbeats to keep his hand steady
He may wait like this, motionless, for 20 minutes or more before making an incision. Finally, listening through the stethoscope, he carves when he is at his stillest—in between heartbeats.
He is lucky that he has always been fit and slim and healthy, something he puts down to his lifelong love of swimming. Fourteen years ago, when he was 55, he became the European butterfly champion in his age group. To keep his heart rate down, he now swims for three hours each day—5,000m (3.1 miles) each morning and a further 5,000 each afternoon. He stopped drinking coffee on work days years ago.
But although the swimming helps slow his heart significantly, it is no longer enough. Several years ago a pharmacist friend began prescribing him pills—potassium, magnesium and beta-blockers. “I eat them like sweets,” he admits. When he works, his heart rate drops to as low as 20 beats per minute.
14. 4. 2016 16:12:17
Jak se použitý telefon promění ve zbrusu nový:
19. 6. 2016 20:57:48
“I Want to Know What Code Is Running Inside My Body” — Backchannel
“You’re pulling data from my cardiac device that I paid for, implanted inside my body, the most intimate piece of technology anyone can have, and yet I’m devoid of access to the device? That moved me to my core,” he says. “That’s just not right.”
10. 8. 2016 14:04:35
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