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nedávno jsem vyfasoval jedním barterem doménu
Původně byla doména napojená na affiliate systém od, všichni ale moc dobře víme o tomto "výdělečném" podvodu. Naštěstí jsem zase o tolik nepřišel, teď mám ale doménu a v podstatě nevím co s ní.
Najde se někdo, komu to nápadově myslí lépe než já?
21. 5. 2012 22:30:47
rating uzivatele
(4 hodnocení)
21. 5. 2012 22:35:04
co znamena ten podvod. jako ze bez vyplaty?
21. 5. 2012 22:35:04
Napsal classic;798505
co znamena ten podvod. jako ze bez vyplaty?
napsalo se o tom hodně, použij google..
s tou doménou žádný zázrak nevymyslíš, ale to asi tušíš sám :-) katalogů hotelů je nepřeberné množství, stejně jako affilů.. jedině se přidat do dlouhé řady a doufat, že si na sebe doména alespoň vydělá..
21. 5. 2012 22:39:55
rating uzivatele
21. 5. 2012 22:40:01
spatny barter... podle me zni lip a navic je volna :D
21. 5. 2012 22:40:01
No.. neříkám že jí nedostane nikdo. Ale podaří se to jen málokomu, jelikož pro vyplacení provize se musí splnit dostatek konverzí, ten ovšem nikde stanoven není. Takže pokud se nezaměříte opravdu jen na cílovku + nemáte hromadu štěstí, nedostanete nic. A někdy vám nezaplatí ani tak.
Jinak ten systém už tu byl probírán několikrát. Viz zde.
21. 5. 2012 22:41:16
rating uzivatele
(14 hodnocení)
21. 5. 2012 22:42:31
Najde se někdo, komu to nápadově myslí lépe než já?
Nechal bych jí expirovat :) špatně se pamatuje
21. 5. 2012 22:42:31
rating uzivatele
(37 hodnocení)
21. 5. 2012 22:53:24
Tohle mě může fakt nas*at, tento web byl můj a vyměnil jsem ho ZDE v barteru za Adwords kupon + sepsání PR článků,
kupon který se tu dá koupit na WT za 200 kč + články které mi ovšem galax nedodal a bude mluvit o podvodu.
Schválně jsem to nabídl za cokoli co mi kdo nabídne protože mi to přišlo nemorální se na tom hojit v aukci jako jiní,
galax ani nedodrží svou část dohody a mě tu bude masírovat, se mi snad zdá..
21. 5. 2012 22:53:24
Napsal jarin001;798517
Tohle mě může fakt nas*at, tento web byl můj a vyměnil jsem ho ZDE v barteru za Adwords kupon + sepsání PR článků,
kupon který se tu dá koupit na WT za 200 kč + články které mi ovšem galax nedodal a bude mluvit o podvodu.
Schválně jsem to nabídl za cokoli co mi kdo nabídne protože mi to přišlo nemorální se na tom hojit v aukci jako jiní,
galax ani nedodrží svou část dohody a mě tu bude masírovat, se mi snad zdá..
Já nikoho nemasíruji, nenapsal jsem nic o podvodu z Vaší strany. Jen píšu o podvodu ze služby
Sám musíte uznat že jsem tak trochu naletěl. :)
21. 5. 2012 22:57:58
rating uzivatele
(37 hodnocení)
21. 5. 2012 23:02:35
Napsal galax;798519
Já nikoho nemasíruji, nenapsal jsem nic o podvodu z Vaší strany. Jen píšu o podvodu ze služby
Sám musíte uznat že jsem tak trochu naletěl. :)
V tom barteru bylo napsáno kam je web napojený, mohl sis zjistit informace, byli tu borci co to dražili
i za 20k, mě to zaplatilo tak doménu a samo napojení + úprava grafiky stojí taky nějaký čas.
Nevím komu si naletěl, mě ale opravdu ne.
21. 5. 2012 23:02:35
Marek Byrtus
rating uzivatele
(17 hodnocení)
21. 5. 2012 23:03:56
Nenaletěl, my výplatu z hc dostáváme pravidelně.
21. 5. 2012 23:03:56
Mickey Mary
rating uzivatele
22. 5. 2012 05:36:17
Darren Clarke has defeated his share of demons in a rollercoaster career.
Now he must slay the course Ben Hogan called “The Monster” in this week’s US PGA if he is to continue his brave bid for a sixth Ryder Cup cap.
After a nightmare run in July, “Big D” returned to the world’s top 100 with a sensational share of sixth place behind pal Vijay Singh in the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone.
And thanks to a cheque for €140,243, he is up to 23rd in the Ryder Cup Points race and within striking distance of an automatic place in Nick Faldo’s side.
After closing with a bogey free 67 to finish just three shots adrift of new world No 4 Singh, Clarke can make the team on merit if he finishes first or second in the final major of season at the course where Europe beat the US in the 2004 Ryder Cup.
Looking forward to the challenge, Clarke said: “Oakland Hill bring back good memories for me from the Ryder Cup. I know what I have to do to make the team and that’s play well.
“If I don’t play well, I won’t make the team. But I have three events left to get there. We’ll have to wait and see.”
The good news is that his play from tee to green looks as good as ever and if he can roll home the putts on the slick Detroit greens, he can motor his way into the side to face Paul Azinger’s top 12 at Valhalla next month.
Clarke said; “I played lovely. I played really, really well today. I couldn’t buy a putt for the last eight holes. I kept giving myself chance after chance after chance. I kept hitting it reasonably close and had really good putts but they just didn’t go in.
“I played well all week, three-over par after the first ten holes on the first day wasn’t the greatest start, but I’m pretty pleased I battled on and got myself back in there again.”
Up 18 places to 87th in the world, Clarke still has a chance of getting a captain’s pick but knows he must haul himself up to the fringes of the team with top drawer performances in his last three counting events – the US PGA, the Dutch Open and the Johnnie Walker Championship at Gleneagles.
The pressure is on and it’s now up to Clarke to perform better than he did last month, when he missed the cut in the Paris and Loch Lomond and got disqualified in the European Open after another lacklustre display.
After a brilliant 65 at Firestone on Saturday, Clarke confessed that he was trying to hard to perform and failed miserably.
But he is now just €602,393 behind 10th ranked Justin Rose in the battle for his Ryder Cup place with dapper Dubliner Paul McGinley another €30,000 adrift after finishing tied 23rd in Ohio.
Set to ‘celebrate’ his 40th birthday next week, he knows that he must perform to convince skipper Faldo that he deserves his place in the side.
He said: “If I do (perform), he may consider me for a pick, and if I don’t, I’ll be watching it on TV like everybody else. I’m just trying to play as well as I can and we’ll see what happens.
“I have to play well if I even want to be considered for a pick. That’s the way I look at it. Those are the facts, and that’s what I have to do.
“If I do play well, if I do start playing well like I did today, I think I would be an addition to the team. And if I don’t play well, I would not be. I would not expect a pick. I just want to play as well as I can and see where it takes me.”
Clarke’s putting has been his achilles heel throughout his career but he feels that a return to his old putting style has worked wonders for his confidence.
Using a wider stance and higher hands, he is brimming with confidence and looking forward to his only major appearance this year.
He said “It’s been great, I’ve missed this sort of event all year, the majors and these World Golf Championships events.
“It’s been great back playing them again and I felt very comfortable this week, and this is where I want to play, this is what I want to do. I want to get more opportunities to play like I have done this week.”
Legend Hogan dubbed Oakland Hills a “monster” when he won the 1951 US Open there but Clarke can’t wait, explaining: “I’ve good memories there. They put in some new tees to fox us a little. But it’ll be fun.”
Snazzy dresser Walter Hagen was the club’s first professional, winning 11 majors and five US PGA’s.
Clarke could easily be considered the 21st century version of Hagen. All that’s missing is the major and the time is right to strike.
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22. 5. 2012 05:36:17
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