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Apple patenty blokuje práci W3C a investuje do patentového trolla

Dva články o tom, jak Apple zneužívá softwarové patenty na blokování standardů (konkrétně touch eventy na webu) a jak vstoupil do patentového trolla, prázdnou firemní schránku využívanou na hromadné žaloby a licencování sporných softwarových patentů.
Apple using patents to undermine open standards again
Apple is at it again. Another year, another attempt by Apple to block open standards using patents.
This time they have four claims - three patents and one patent application - that threaten to block the W3C Touch Events Specification. They filed their patent claims a little over a month before the time limit expired (the claim was filed on November 11, and the time limit is December 26, 2011).
The odd thing is that Apple chose not to join the working group that handles touch events. If they had joined, they would have been forced to file the patent claims far sooner.
Apple Made A Deal With The Devil (No, Worse: A Patent Troll)
Meet Digitude Innovations, a firm based in Virginia that recently filed suit with the International Trade Commission alleging patent infringement by technology companies including RIM, HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sony, Amazon, and Nokia (note that Apple is not on this list). The ITC is a favorite for companies litigating over mobile phone patent disputes, as it can block the import of products long before a case has actually concluded.
In April, Digitude announced the “completion of its first such strategic partnership with one of the world’s leading consumer electronics companies” — which it didn’t name. The company later announced that additional (unnamed) parties have jumped on board as well, who will receive a portion of Digitude’s proceeds based on the value of the IP each party contributed.
Apple appears to be one of these participants, and may be the unnamed leading consumer electronics company that Digitude boasted about this past spring. Of the four patents that Digitude included in its claim this week, two were owned by Apple earlier this year, before they were transferred to Digitude.
10. 12. 2011 19:16:43
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