Zadejte hledaný výraz... – Názory na kvalitu domény

rating uzivatele
5. 5. 2008 19:17:20
Protože jsem nováček chtěl bych se jen tak nezávazně zeptat na vaše názory na cenu téhle démény. Dříve patřila společnosti Americas International Brokers a je zaregistrována v internetových katalozích.
Výhodami jsou myslím její snadná zapamatovatelnost, to že je krátká a fakt že by o ní mohla v budoucnu projevit zájem nějaká investiční banka, mezinárodní kancelár (international bureau).
Zároveň se však nejedná o doménu s již existující ochrannou známkou, aib totiž může znamenat cokoli.
Díky za názory, pravděpodobně ji použiju pro vlastní účely podbné té na její slovenské jmenovkyni, ale kdyby byl někdo ochoten nabídnou nějakou zajímavou částku dal bych jí do normální aukce... .
5. 5. 2008 19:17:20
rating uzivatele
(73 hodnocení)
5. 5. 2008 20:28:16
Zaparkuj a uvidíš její momentální reálnou hodnotu :)
Aib může znamenat cokoliv:
Against the Bank *****
And Internet Banking *****
An International Bank *****
An Investment Bank *****
Alive in Baghdad *****
And Its Biggest *****
Arts Institute at Bournemouth *****
Associate in Business *****
Account Internet Banking *****
Allied Irish Banks *****
An Islamic Bank *****
Authenticated Identity Body *****
Accommodation in Bournemouth *****
Australian Infantry Battalion ****
Administration Institute BAI ****
African Investment Bank ****
Allegation Is Being ****
asbestos insulating board ****
And Anglo Irish Bank ****
Association for International Business ****
African International Bank ****
Anglo Irish Bank ****
Arts Institute Bournemouth ****
Awash International Bank ****
As an International Bank ****
Associazione Industriale Bresciana ****
Arab Islamic Bank ****
American Information Bureau ****
American International Building ****
Artificial Intelligence Being ***
And International Business ***
anti incendi boschivi ***
Aachener Informatik Berichte ***
Asian Investment Bank ***
Affin Investment Bank ***
Albaraka Islamic Bank ***
Alliance Investment Bank ***
Account Information Brochure ***
Allied Irish Bks ***
Atlas Investment Bank ***
American Investment Bank ***
Atlanta Internet Bank ***
Allied Intelligence Bureau ***
American Interstate Bank ***
Ambulante Intensive Begleitung ***
Afdeling Internationale Betrekkingen ***
Assaggiatori Italiani Balsamico ***
Automobile Insurers Bureau ***
Art Institute of Boston ***
Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters ***
Allied Irish Bk ***
Acquire Interest in Bulgarian ***
Amplified in Breast ***
Animal Industry Board ***
American Insitiute of Banking ***
American Institute of Business ***
Agriculture Information Bulletin ***
Authenticated Identity Bodies ***
Association of International Broadcasters ***
And the Irish Bank ***
Application Interface Block ***
aurora infrastructure buy ***
Autres Institutions Bancaires ***
Architecture and Building ***
Authors Ink Books ***
American Insurance Brokers ***
Associazione Italiana Bibliotecari ***
Adelaide Integrated Bioscience ***
Amp Index Blended ***
Associated Insurance Brokers ***
Asbestos Insulation Board ***
Audi Investment Bank ***
Architecture Institute of Building ***
Associated Industries for the Blind ***
Association of Insurance Brokers ***
Accident Investigation Branch ***
Accidents Investigation Branch ***
Attack Innocent Bystander ***
Afghanistan International Bank **
Aromatic Infrared Bands **
American Institute of Bisexuality **
acoustic impedance bridge **
airflow-induced bronchoconstriction **
airflow-induced bronchospasm **
air-induced bronchoconstriction **
anterior interatrial band **
aspirin-induced bronchoconstriction **
Apparent Integrated Backscatter **
Abnormal Illness Behaviour **
Amphenol Industrial Bayonet **
Asia Institute at Babson **
American Institute of Bakers **
Association of International Broadcasting **
Ashcroft Indian Band **
Article Is Based **
airflow-induced broncho-constriction **
Asynchronous Interface Board **
Association of International Branches **
Association of International Business **
alpha-amino isobutyrate **
alpha-amino isobutyric **
alpha-amino-isobutyrate **
Aeroportul International Baneasa **
Analysis and Information Branch **
Application Interface Builder **
Arab International Bank **
Arbitrage Instituut Bouwkunst **
Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasting **
And IFSC Buildings **
Australian Institute of Builders **
alpha-amino-isobutyric **
Australian Institute of Biology **
An Irish Banking **
Asian International Bank **
AMP International Bond **
Associate Institute of Bankers **
Auto Insurance Bureau **
Aquatic Information Branch **
Applied Integration Baseline **
asian insurance brokers **
Ailled Irish Bank **
Audit Investigation Board **
Alkohol Im Betrieb **
Alias Information Base **
Atomic Instruction Blocks **
Australia Institute of Building **
American Institue of Baking **
Academy International Business **
Agent Information Bulletin **
Alameda Island Blazers **
Aquila Invest Basel **
Academy for International Business **
Auckland Infantry Battalion **
Aegis Insurance Brokers **
Africa International Bank **
africa international business **
Advanced Interface Board *
American International Bank *
Aptitude Index Battery *
Academia Interlinguistic Bulgare *
Access Insurance Bonds *
Accident Investigation Branches *
Adelaide Integrated Biosciences *
Analog Input Box *
Association for the International Broadcasting *
abnormal illness behavior *
AIlied Irish Bank *
Associazione Italiana Bibioteche *
Applied Industrial Biology *
Accident Investigation Boards *
Aeronautical Institute of Bangladesh *
Agricultural and Industrial Bank *
Ahern Insurance Brokerage *
Airborne Infantry Battalion *
Allied International Brokers *
American International Business *
At Integrated Backscatter *
Arts and Industries Building *
Acquisition Interface Buffer *
Alpha Insurance Brokers *
Acoustic Inductions on Borehole *
Aircraft Instrumentation Branch *
Ajax In de Blijvertjes *
Alter Ive Brazilian *
American Inn of Bethesda *
American Institute of Biology *
Antilles Information Business *
Application for Incidental Bound *
Arbeitsgruppen Institute Biochemie *
Associate Information Bank *
Association of Italian Bankers *
Astronomical Institute of Berne *
5. 5. 2008 20:28:16
Pro odpověď se přihlašte.