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Jakub Glos
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Používáte Flexviews (materialized views)?
A "regular" view is a virtual table representing the result of a database query. A materialized view is like a regular view, except that the results are stored into an actual database table, not a virtual one.
Flexviews supports two different refresh methods: COMPLETE and INCREMENTAL. You specify the refresh method when you create the view. An incremental refresh will only read data based on the row values which have changed since the last delta computation. This is much more efficient, and can be orders of magnitude faster than a complete refresh.
Jestli to dobře chápu, materialized views jsou někde uprostřed mezi standardní normalizovanou a denormalizovanou / NoSQL reprezentací.
Pokud o nich jako já slyšíte poprvé, tady je k nim víc zajímavých informací + ukázková implementace v PostgreSQL
A tady jednoduchá DIY implementace v MySQL
9. 12. 2010 01:03:36
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